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Capping benefits to £26,000 a year - I think its wrong, do you?

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HB is the biggest elephant in the room. Let's not pretend it doesn't exist.

So you claim.




Distortions (of which they're many) in the market affect supply and demand.


Social housing rents have risen above inflation every year for a decade. What does this do to the average rent?

Not very much since social housing rents are significantly below the market rate (hence the >inflation increases).


Housing benefit is based upon the average rent.


What does the distortion to the average rent do to HB?


Do you see?

What I see is that if HB was significantly below market rate (which it was) and was based on average rates, then it would actually be keeping the average and itself artificially low. By being increased to match market rates the distortion is removed.



When the average rent increases, primarily driven by the forced increase in the price of the lowest properties, what does this do to the relative cost of more luxurious properties?

Very little, there is a big gap between properties you can pay for with HB and normal private market prices.


Yes, these are in turn pushed up too, which then pushes up the average, which then pushes up the HB, which then causes the government to justify the increase above inflation of the social housing rents, which then pushes up the average which again increase the value of the hb.


And so on, and so on, until the entire system collapses like a deck of cards with a 50 stone buy to letter stood on top singing 'if I were a rich man'.


Meanwhile the guy at the bottom who is expected to keep the system propped up, the invisible man who has to bear the brunt of the increases due to his lack of land and land monopoly, he loses all his incentives to work, it get's to a point that he cannot even afford to work. He cannot even afford to grow food.


And that is where were at now, if the land monopolists are not forced to give up there monopoly then many men will die. We have destroyed society and society shall revert to it's norm. Bellum omnium contra omnes.

I don't think you even understand what a monopoly is. Just because you don't own something doesn't mean there is a monopoly stopping you.


This stuff is predictable, and time is running out to avert the coming civil war. The landless peasant shall not fight on behalf of his landlord master this time around.

By you, but not by any economists, whether pro government, pro opposition or independent. Why don't you write for the FT, then you'll be able to buy some land!

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I don't think you even understand what a monopoly is. Just because you don't own something doesn't mean there is a monopoly stopping you.

By you, but not by any economists, whether pro government, pro opposition or independent. Why don't you write for the FT, then you'll be able to buy some land!




Suppose ManofStrad has 20000 acres...



And suppose LadonDole needs some food...



How would you explain hierarchical structures, class monopoly and unemployment; resulting from monopolies as diverse as, but not limited to, LAND, money, patents, intellectual property rights, restricted trades, state privilege etc. etc.


And if we really do have social mobility how can LadonDole compete fairly in the potato growing business with Manofsrtad?

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That's small change!


"A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy


She told the first doctor she saw: "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family." He asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family. It goes like this:


The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.


The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.


Total yearly income:


£58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work!


In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.


Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...


Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148,000 to create. About my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in ... teaching hospital.


Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.


Don't forget to pay your taxes!!


There are a lot of 'breadwinners' "



Oh my goodness. This is where my taxes go? I earn £6.08 an hour. Why do I bother!

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That's small change!


"A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy


She told the first doctor she saw: "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family." He asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family. It goes like this:


The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.


The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.


Total yearly income:


£58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work!


In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.


Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...


Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148,000 to create. About my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in ... teaching hospital.


Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.


Don't forget to pay your taxes!!


There are a lot of 'breadwinners' "


I have one of these over the from me, it’s a nice 4 bedroom houses valued at £180K paid for by the council and she is the foster carer to most of her grandchildren, her children drag even more money out of the state, because of their disabilities, well actually their drug and alcohol abuse.

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Oh my goodness. This is where my taxes go? I earn £6.08 an hour. Why do I bother!


Soviet state luv, don't worry, work it out on a per person basis. Your better off on a per person basis, marginally, for working. And so would the woman (and her family) in question, when those working tax credits start to add up.

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I have just seen the news and it seems that benefits will be capped at £26,000 a year, this is simply wrong and unjust.


How does this make work pay, and make people want to come off benefits and into work?


Surely, the cap should be set at £6,000 per year, that way going to work would always pay more than not working. This will upset the liberals on the forum, but if benefits were capped at £6,000 a year it would stop people coming into our country having large familys simply to claim benefits.


It is politically incorrect, but why should someone earning £13,000 a year or the minimum wage have to struggle to get by, so another person can moan about the fact their money for not working has been cut to £26,000 a year?


Surely it would make more sense to cut benefits back to £6,000 a year, and then put up the minimum wage to £10 an hour, so anyone getting our of bed and doing a days work gets a decent wage? I bet this would have huge support


No one should get more in benefits than their last paid job .

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I agree let us persecute the poor, force them to work for their money while letting the bankers, watch sipping their champagne, while laughing at the fear, worry and concern the evicted appear to demonstrate. Fear, worry and concern is actually all the poor, bottom feeders are allowed to demonstrate, otherwise their heads will be cracked by the slowly emerging militarised police.


Its allows the rest of us to enjoy being cruel to unfortunates, to treat them as scapegoats, to vilify, spit at, and the good old conservatives know the tricks to get the mob fueled up. They did it last time, first the unions, then teachers, doctors, skivers, single mothers, all sponging in one way or another, playing the system. We loved it, destroyed the unions and now have no real say in anything...brilliant!


Are we being manipulated into scapegoating a helpless group....YOU BET... and the hang em and flog em brigade just cannot get enough. Well it makes a change from foreigners getting all the jobs, all of which are subjects the media manipulates the sheep with, thus taking the heat off the real crooks, the greedy bankers that caused the problem that we are all paying for in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy and the rest of the world. What next gay bashing, racism, for the mob to salivate over? What about women taking jobs away from men, when they should be banged up at home bringing up the next generation on a diet of loathing and hardship. Why are not all women pregnant or with child? Its nature innit!


It makes one proud to be British....Keep it up!

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Are we being manipulated into scapegoating a helpless group....YOU BET... and the hang em and flog em brigade just cannot get enough. Well it makes a change from foreigners getting all the jobs, all of which are subjects the media manipulates the sheep with thus taking the heat off the real crooks, the greedy bankers that caused the problem that we are all paying for in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy and the rest of the world. What next gay bashing, racism, for the mob to salivate over? What about women taking jobs away from men, when they should be banged up at home bringing up the next generation on a diet of loathing and hardship.


It makes one proud to be British....Keep it up!


I'm not paying any price for something the bankers supposedly did, what price are you paying?

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