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Capping benefits to £26,000 a year - I think its wrong, do you?

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According to the Daily Mail (...yes I know,... I know...) 1 in 5 is forced to borrow money to buy groceries. Families subsidise them to the tune of £13,000 a year, according to a study by Scottish widows.


This suggests there are a lot of people struggling on nothing like £26,000 a year.


I have to say of the people I know on benefits, none of them is on anything like that.

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Another informative post Rupert Baehr (289) Thank You, if i have read and understood this correctly it says that it doesn't matter how much money a person gets statistics will be the same?


To some extent, not matter what systems/policy is put in place people will always look to bend the rules.

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I, I, I, I, You sound like a conservative, do you have any friends? £13,700 ? It's a cert you don't live on your own then, I bet your wife sorry competitor is subsidising your sorry existence though, so in fact your income would be larger than that.


My parents raised 3 kids on less than £26,000 back in the days before tax credits. When was that 1965?


Let me run this by you. I ran a business and had 5 kids and could easily afford a mortgage and buy the family whatever they wanted and life was good. Then my business went bust in the recession. Should I not have had 5 kids just in case my business empire collapsed? Should I have not taken out a mortgage, a pension, insurance etc just in case the business wnet bust or I might drop dead?


I doubt you have ever worked looking at your post count.

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I wish someone, anyone would explain to me in SIMPLE terms how anyone can get £26,000 in Benefit per year. I am on Benefit, and it's much nearer to £6,000 than £26,000.




Quite a few people know how to fiddle the system and get away with it thats why. If I could get 26k on benefits then whats the point in working, I could quite happily sit on my butt all day for 26K rather than work my bits off in a stressful environment for a bloody sight lot less

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According to the Daily Mail (...yes I know,... I know...) 1 in 5 is forced to borrow money to buy groceries. Families subsidise them to the tune of £13,000 a year, according to a study by Scottish widows.


This suggests there are a lot of people struggling on nothing like £26,000 a year.


I have to say of the people I know on benefits, none of them is on anything like that.


My step mother in law gets every benefit known and unknown and I hate her for it. To make matters worse she also works and combined she gets a whole lot more than 26K judging by the lifestyle... its so wrong but the system allows them to claim, claim and claim and the punishment when they're found out is a joke

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Quite a few people know how to fiddle the system and get away with it thats why. If I could get 26k on benefits then whats the point in working, I could quite happily sit on my butt all day for 26K rather than work my bits off in a stressful environment for a bloody sight lot less


The cap is on households rather than individuals. It's large families that will be affected & people living in London. You wouldn't want to be on £26k benefits because you'd never see most of it, it'd just be rent & your other living costs would be higher too, living in London.


Obviously it wont affect people 'on the fiddle', it's just another rule for them to break.

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Another informative post Rupert Baehr (289) Thank You, if i have read and understood this correctly it says that it doesn't matter how much money a person gets statistics will be the same?


It depends what statistics you select. The average life expectancy is around 2 years shorter in the USA (78.1) than in the UK (80.1) or Germany (79.8 ).


The USA also has a large & widening 10 year gap (from a study in year 2000) in life expectancy between the poorest & richest counties. link


In the UK that difference in life expectancy isn't quite as bad: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10475835


Sure you can find some stats that look similar, if you choose carefully, but I know where I'd rather live. If I was a poor male living in the USA my life expectancy would be around 71.5 years, here it's 75.8 years.


I was shocked to see barefoot beggars when I first went to the USA, you just don't see that here.

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