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Is clegg just a waste of space

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Not for the Tories he's not. Manna from heaven.


Clegg for his part looks quite tired and increasingly clapped out. I fear the curse of Kennedy may be visiting him as he sits there all alone crying while listening to music.

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What does he do what power has he got is he getting payed for doing nothing, the Conservatives don't take any notice of him,when ever I have seen him on TV in the house of parliament he just sits there like a muppet and never says a thing.



A little like Prescott who did precious little except stuff his clock with cheap grub and ale in the Parliament noshing holes, and indulge in in a bit of hide the sausage.



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There was a very interesting opinion poll conducted by YouGov a few days ago


"YouGov survey found that just 20 per cent of people say Mr Miliband is performing well as Labour leader, while 21 per cent think the same of Mr Clegg as leader of the Liberal Democrats, despite his party’s unpopularity.


By contrast, 44 per cent of people think David Cameron is doing well as Prime Minister.


The findings – the worst for Mr Miliband since he defeated his brother David for the Labour crown – came as MPs began to suggest publicly that he needs to 'get a grip'.



That really ought to focus the minds of the nutjobs who waste their time attacking the junior partner in the coalition, whilst ignoring their own guys plight and allowing Cameron to march off into the distance.


But who am I to stand in the way of an opportunity for folks to have a good rant.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Give Cleggy a chance. You can't learn to be an overtly patronising, smarmy back stabber with no principles overnight. However, he has an excellent teacher in Cameron, so given time he has every chance of transforming into a proper tory overlord.

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