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Is clegg just a waste of space

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That really ought to focus the minds of the nutjobs who waste their time attacking the junior partner in the coalition, whilst ignoring their own guys plight and allowing Cameron to march off into the distance.


But who am I to stand in the way of an opportunity for folks to have a good rant.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


Maybe the “nutjobs” aren’t daft enough to worry about Ed mid term; it’s a bit like a football team celebrating because they are top of the league in January.

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You can't learn to be an overtly patronising, smarmy back stabber with no principles overnight.


Ed Miliband did it quite well at it when he stabbed his brother in the back at the leadership elections. I suppose that's one of the reasons he is now less popular than Clegg.


It is an interesting comparison really because more people think Cameron is doing a good job than vote Tory, so people who support other parties must think he is doing OK.

With Clegg it is about evens. But even amongst Labour voters opinion on Miliband is very negative. I suppose that's why the frustration keeps welling up and some feel the need to attack Clegg.

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Ed Miliband did it quite well at it when he stabbed his brother in the back at the leadership elections. I suppose that's one of the reasons he is now less popular than Clegg.


It is an interesting comparison really because more people think Cameron is doing a good job than vote Tory, so people who support other parties must think he is doing OK.

With Clegg it is about evens. But even amongst Labour voters opinion on Miliband is very negative.


By Labour you mean 'tories light'? I suppose you think having a party in power pushing through, major un-mandated ideologically driven reforms with virtually no opposition - despite the fact they only got one third of the votes - is a good thing? Screw democracy eh? As long as the rich people are getting it all their way, that's what matters.


I suppose that's why the frustration keeps welling up and some feel the need to attack Clegg.


People attack Clegg because he is in government doing exactly the opposite of what he told the people who voted for him he was going to do.

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to be fair, the role of deputy prime minister has always been a bit of a non-job - in itself it gives no real power and is usually combined with another cabinet role - it is usually given to someone who represents the "other" wing of the Party in power - e.g. John Prescott when Tony Blair was PM - with a view to making those who don't wholeheartedly support the PM feel as though they have a representitive in Cabinet (I could be wrong but I don't think Gordon Brown had a deputy PM)


I'm not sure Nick Clegg has another ministerial role which means he is largely left to try to make a role for himself without treading on the toes of other ministers - having lost the AV debate so conclusively I'm not sure his heart is still in it


They always say you should be careful what you wish for - I wonder if the Nick Clegg of two years ago, if he'd known how things would turn out for his party, would have done anything differently

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People attack Clegg because he is in government doing exactly the opposite of what he told the people who voted for him he was going to do.


Did you vote for him then?


By Labour you mean 'tories light'? I suppose you think having a party in power pushing through, major un-mandated ideologically driven reforms with virtually no opposition - despite the fact they only got one third of the votes - is a good thing? Screw democracy eh? As long as the rich people are getting it all their way, that's what matters.




Well actually the party led by Cameron polled 36% of the votes. The one by Clegg 23%. Between them that's almost 2/3 of the vote.

On the other hand Labour only polled 29%, and Milliband wasn't standing as leader. He seems to enjoy less support these days as Clegg, So I suppose on balance the electorate have the PM & deputy that suits them.

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:hihi::hihi::hihi:Am I coming across as a Liberal democrat?


Not at all. But when you say "People attack Clegg because he is in government doing exactly the opposite of what he told the people who voted for him he was going to do". I just wonder what makes you think you speak for L/D voters?.

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Not at all. But when you say "People attack Clegg because he is in government doing exactly the opposite of what he told the people who voted for him he was going to do". I just wonder what makes you think you speak for L/D voters?.


That is a rather desperate line of argument. LD voters made it perfectly clear at the last local elections how they themselves feel about what Clegg has done.

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