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Noisy kids on aircraft

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My comment was directed towards the safety of the babies (and young children). I wouldn't dream of taking my own on a plane, bus, or train.


In fact, that reminds me; I think it was last year (or the year before) where we had some pretty severe snow.


I saw a young girl, about 17, walking in the blizzard carrying what must have been a 3 month old baby. I was so shocked I just sat looking at her, thinking what a stupid, ignorant <insert expletive here> she was.

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My comment was directed towards the safety of the babies (and young children). I wouldn't dream of taking my own on a plane, bus, or train.


In fact, that reminds me; I think it was last year (or the year before) where we had some pretty severe snow.


I saw a young girl, about 17, walking in the blizzard carrying what must have been a 3 month old baby. I was so shocked I just sat looking at her, thinking what a stupid, ignorant <insert expletive here> she was.


What's so dangerous about taking a baby on a bus, train or plane?


Do you take yours in a car? More dangerous than any of the above by quite a wide margin.


As for the girl with the baby - maybe she needed to get somewhere? Did you offer to help or give her a lift? Apparently not.

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If I didn't take my babies on a bus I'd never manage to get out much as I don't drive yet. Was she wearing the baby perhaps? I wore my youngest most of the time up until she was about 5 months because taking the double pram everywhere was hard so I used my single, plus she didn't like the pram much anyway.

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I understand there are some larger foreign airlines who are starting to realise that some passengers are actually willing to pay extra to sit in adult-only/quiet zones. I reckon it will only be a matter of time before they introduce it on all long-haul flights.


Nobody wants to have to listen to screaming babies or put up with having the back of your seat kicked for 6+ hours, but as other posters have said, parents are entitled to travel too!


I'd certainly pay to upgrade to a childfree flight if it was an option though!

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I understand there are some larger foreign airlines who are starting to realise that some passengers are actually willing to pay extra to sit in adult-only/quiet zones. I reckon it will only be a matter of time before they introduce it on all long-haul flights.


Nobody wants to have to listen to screaming babies or put up with having the back of your seat kicked for 6+ hours, but as other posters have said, parents are entitled to travel too!


I'd certainly pay to upgrade to a childfree flight if it was an option though!




brilliant which ones are they ,theres nothing worse on a long flight .they should put them all in one section together

although the worst i've ever had is three end of season drunk australian rugby teams on a sydney to dempasar flight once absoulute big dumb thick pigs .great to see the little indonesian police and army arresting half a dozen of the worse of them when the plane landed in dempasar.they did'nt mess around with them either laying into a couple of them with their batons.

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Who on earth takes babies on a plane (let alone on a 14-hour journey) ? :o


The parents must be whack.



I took my then 6 month old daughter on a flight to Singapore to join her father who was a serving Royal Marine. The flight then was 26 and a half hours. No problems, I fed her when she was hungry, she slept in a sky cot or sat on my lap if she was awake.

I returned 2 years later, alone again with her, now a toddler and my son that was 6 months old. Once again, no problems and because there were a few other service personnel on board, my daughter was well entertained, my son was taken from the sky cot and kept occupied so I could carry on snoozing.

A couple of the lads (who I didn't really know, just that they were service men returning home themselves) actually waited for me to clear customs and made sure that the rest of my journey, train to Sheffield, was sorted.

I was so glad to know that there were people happy and prepared to help me on what once again had been a long flight.

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Who on earth takes babies on a plane (let alone on a 14-hour journey) ? :o


The parents must be whack.

People who need ot see family. I was 3 months old the first time I flew and it was an 8 hour flight.


People who are perhaps returning home to visit relatives?

^^ This ^^


If you're the type of person to scowl and curse parents because their baby isn't behaving impeccably then I'd prepare yourself for a hell of an ear-bashing! It's stressful enough keeping youngsters entertained and content on long journeys without an outsider judging you and tutting away. Same goes in restaurants; I get sick of people giving me dirty looks because one or both of my children are crying. We were in TGI Fridays once and this ignorant little tramp said to her boyfriend "god they're both at it now, wish they'd shut those f**king kids up" If you don't want to be around kids don't go to s family restaurant. In the case of a plane, I doubt there are childless airlines so, erm, sorry but tough, put up with it. Parents and their kids are entitled to a holiday too.

To be fair, if a child doesn't have the patience to sit at a table to eat their meal and be able to wait for adults to finish, then they shouldn't be going to sit down style restaurants. I think I was almost 8 or 9 before we actually went out to eat to places other than the pizza place or McDonalds/Burger King, mainly because we just didn't have the attention span to eat and stay still in one place for over an hour. I know each child is different, I accept that, but if the kid is running around in circles and disturbing others (to the point I've seen servers trip over stray kids), than maybe its time to get a sitter and go out without them. There are places like Giraffe who cater to young children better than Fridays or similar.


So parents with babies can't travel? :gag:


I was 6 months old when I first traveled on a plane.


It was a 10 hours journey.


I didn't cause any trouble (or so I was told :roll:).


I flew long haul about 5 times in the first 6 years of my life, I think my mother gave me benedryl (joking, not 100% sure...) and the like before flying, because I as always asleep

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As a parent of a 6 and 2 year old. I am sympathetic to both parents and passengers. A trip to South America 12 months ago was not an easy flight with young children. Yes it was stressful, even though we did all we could to provide entertainment for them both and make the journey as enjoyable for them. Children will be children and will be unsettled in this type of environment. Even as adults flying is not always an nice experience. We made a decision to leave long haul flights until the youngest is at least 4years old. Let's hope the next journey is better! Good luck to all parents flying with children and for passengers; earplugs may help :)

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