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Please support The Sheffield Children's Hospital hydrotherapy pool

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Please support The Sheffield Children's Hospital hydrotherapy pool at Ryegate

The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy team from The Children’s Hospital are taking on an enormous challenge!!

We are attempting to swim the distance of the English Channel in just 6 hours!

The hydrotherapy pool at the therapy department of Ryegate Children’s Centre is being refurbished by The Children’s Hospital Charity. To make our new hydrotherapy area even better we want to raise even more money to help enhance this refurbishment. We want to provide special sensory toys, therapy equipment and anything else we can to make these important sessions as beneficial to our patients - and their families - as possible. The hydrotherapy pool provides a vital rehabilitation tool and sensory experience for many children seen by the therapy team.

This is a big team effort with therapists, family and friends all swimming as far as they can to add to the overall total of a massive 21 miles over the 6 hour period.

Please give generously so that we can raise as much money as possible to enhance the hydrotherapy sessions for the children to truly enjoy and develop in.

The just giving address for donations https://www.justgiving.com/ryegateswimthechannel

The challenge takes place on January the 29th at the Zest Healthy Living Centre in Upperthorpe, who have very kindly given us free use of the pool.

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