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Exumation of woman starts at midnight. WHY??

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I note the tragic story of the woman whose naked body was found 30 years ago, and the crime has never been solved.


The police began her exhumation at midnight last night. Why midnight?


A senior police officer says.... "The head of North Yorkshire’s major crime unit, Detective Superintendent Lewis Raw, said: “There is nothing in law which says we have to do it at night, but there is a tradition that exhumations are done that way.


Tradition? Have they been watching too many dracula movies?



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It's an awful task to have to do and they're being respectful to people visiting the graves of their loved ones. Also, cremations, burials, etc are performed during the day. I wouldn't want to be seeing a grave exhumed as I was putting a loved one to rest.


I hope they manage to find out who she is.

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Well when you work from midnight onwards it's called the "Grave Yard Shift"......Wonder it that's why LOL


The phrase is supposed to date back to the 1500's when there was shortage of burial grounds, coffins were dug up and the graves re-used. It was noted that 1 out of 25 dug up coffins had scratch marks on them suggesting that people had been buried alive.

They started the practice of tying a string to the deceased person's wrist attached to a bell above ground so that they could ring the bell to alert someone. A person had to sit by the grave hence the phrases- "graveyard shift", "dead ringer" and "saved by the bell".

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nothing sinister at all, just respect for the dead and what they may find in the hole after such a long period of time. After midnight there are less people around to stand and gawp.


I can't imagine anyone standing and gawping during the day, and besides, don't they put up those white tent thingies to stop prying eyes?


I can however see that if you had a funeral for a loved one on the day they dug someone up, I suppose that would be a little insensitive. But all you would see would be the 'tent' anyway, and that's presumably still up, the next day too?

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