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Wages just dont cut it anymore?

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It could be time to pick up a cheap cruise ………. (That’s not a joke)


I was contemplating that very line of thought this morning and decided that the nearest thing to a cruise I could afford was a model of a cruise liner:|


So I phone up the local model shop and asked the guy if he had a model of an Italian cruise liner and he said he only had one left, he put the phone down on me when I asked him if he could put it on one side for me:confused:

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Rent, car insurance, council tax etc. etc.


Is it any wonder people sign on.


£6.5k car insurance. Show me £10k of pre tax salary given to a man expected to drive for a living (even if only to commute) and I will cure unemployment!


Just remember to bow unto your LANDLORD! For it is him you must work for, he has the land upon which you proles can grow the food to feed yourself, for such a privilege you should be grateful for overtime wiping his backside and cleaning his house after having built it in the first place.

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Wages may or may not have kept up with inflation over the last 10 years but that doesnt mean we arent a LOT worse off.

We're a lot worse off because one off costs like car insurance doubles. That could be £500 straight out of your disposable income you have to find. Not many people have £500 left over at the end of the average month.

Energy bills creep up and extra couple of hundred quid each year.

Some scrote kicks your wing mirror off. Thats £500

Petrol goes up. Extra £100

Train fares up 5% - extra £100


All these extra few hundred quids were what you enjoyed spending last year, but this year they aint there anymore.


Do you feel like things are getting tighter despite your earnings increasing each year / not having gone down? People are just about hanging on at the moment. Just wait untill the interest rates go up and your mortgage doubles. That will be when the next housing crisis starts as everybody downgrades.


We're doomed. DOOMED I TELL YOU :gag:


Then they should work harder/budget better

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i only get £850 amonth


tell me how to budget better to find £500 extra


£350 rent, £100 bus fare, then theres over £100 council tax, just those 3 leave less than £500


Do you have a reserved seat and a fresh copy of the Metro for that? I only pay £78 for a Sheffield monthly travelmaster, and they are not cheap. Do you travel in between counties?

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i only get £850 amonth


tell me how to budget better to find £500 extra


£350 rent, £100 bus fare, then theres over £100 council tax, just those 3 leave less than £500


Budget to leave £100 a the end of the month, at the end of 5 months you will have £500 left for emergencies.


Alternatively earn more or spend less.


Its easy really

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