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Dog owners, control your pets

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Can you please keep your dogs on a lead if you cant control them, I am fed up with dogs jumping all over me when i'm out running and the owner has no control at all over it.


Just a polite request :)


I do, but bare in mind I do not always see you coming so sometimes it's helpful to either call out or walk by.


An equally polite request :)

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They are not always friendly......get nipped on a regular basis


In that case, might I politely suggest that you're doing it wrong?


If you are running towards someone with a dog, it makes sense give it a wide berth or give the owner chance to move out of the way. After all, you're a stranger hurtling towards them and their human pack leader with your arms up in what the dog might read as a threatening stance so they automatically go on the defensive.


If you're running up behind them, do the same. It also helps if you cough, say 'excuse me' or 'hello' or something as owners don't have eyes in the back of their heads and can't hear you unless you say something.


I always keep a look out for joggers when I'm out with my dogs and try and do everything to keep them out of snapping distance but, unless I know you're there and you help me by either giving me a chance to give you plenty of room or vice versa, it can be dangerous.


If you think about it, you wouldn't expect to be able to run straight through a gang of rowdy kids or partying drunks without a problem would you? (Not that my dogs are ever drunk or rowdy, just making an analogy).

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I'm sorry but these dogs a charging around without the owners being very close to them, I do give a wide berth and I do cough and make a bit more noise when approaching, I am not suggesting that all dog owners are like this but I do believe if you can't get your dog to come to you straight away it should be on the lead

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Badlittlepup.......are you having a laugh?


So you think you should just be able to let your dog roam around with no control? All I ask is if dogs are off leads they should be trained to come back when called.


We can all share the space

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Badlittlepup.......are you having a laugh?


So you think you should just be able to let your dog roam around with no control? All I ask is if dogs are off leads they should be trained to come back when called.


We can all share the space


If it bothered me that much I'd just avoid it.

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Badlittlepup.......are you having a laugh?


So you think you should just be able to let your dog roam around with no control? All I ask is if dogs are off leads they should be trained to come back when called.


We can all share the space


Yes we can, but can you reciprocate and give me a chance. As well as two of my dogs behave, the sudden appearance of a jogger can be startling. I don't mind holding them or leashing them at all but don't expect miracles if you surprise them. Of course we can share the space but it works both ways and some precaution on your part would be appreciated.

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