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PIP, DLA and the disabled

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It's just a new thing to placate Tory voting Daily Mail readers who think all disabled are workshy benefit scroungers, I'm glad the £26,000 cap thing was defeated in the Lords, I just think it'll get passed in the Commons! More's the pity! :rant:

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Plenty of those receiving benefits are on then fiddle, if they have nothing to fear whats the problem.?


All of the available figures show a fraudulent claim rate of 1% or lower amongst those who are in receipt of DLA, so I'm not sure where the 'plenty' figure comes from. DLA is the least abused of all of the benefits.


As for what there is to fear, how about the many years of fighting to get the benefit in the first place that many face? I've had to go to tribunal 3 times and I've had it easy compared to many.

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All of the available figures show a fraudulent claim rate of 1% or lower amongst those who are in receipt of DLA, so I'm not sure where the 'plenty' figure comes from. DLA is the least abused of all of the benefits.


As for what there is to fear, how about the many years of fighting to get the benefit in the first place that many face? I've had to go to tribunal 3 times and I've had it easy compared to many.


And that's the problem, because there's so many who are on the fiddle, they've made it like trying to get blood out a stone for genuine claimants to get DLA or anything else they're entitled to.

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All of the available figures show a fraudulent claim rate of 1% or lower amongst those who are in receipt of DLA, so I'm not sure where the 'plenty' figure comes from. DLA is the least abused of all of the benefits.


As for what there is to fear, how about the many years of fighting to get the benefit in the first place that many face? I've had to go to tribunal 3 times and I've had it easy compared to many.


You spend so much time moderating a forum or more commonly known, working on a PC. Why if you can do this can't you work as something like a data inputter? Genuine question.

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And that's the problem, because there's so many who are on the fiddle, they've made it like trying to get blood out a stone for genuine claimants to get DLA or anything else they're entitled to.


Wisest thing you have ever said Rich.


Blame those who claim for years with a bad back. I have a disability and because there's a temporary fix I won't ever get benefit yet my temporary fix doesn't work every day so I often have to use work holidays when my disability can't be fixed.


I firmly believe if it wasn't for all the bad back claimants/stress/depression/any other thing that's easy to fake, many more people with genuine illnesses would be treated fairly by the system.

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You spend so much time moderating a forum or more commonly known, working on a PC. Why if you can do this can't you work as something like a data inputter? Genuine question.


Very few employers are happy for you to work whatever hours and times you happen to be feeling capable of sitting at a computer. They tend to prefer that you turn up at the same time every day, for the same shift every day; something which Medusa would find utterly impossible.

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You spend so much time moderating a forum or more commonly known, working on a PC. Why if you can do this can't you work as something like a data inputter? Genuine question.


What you don't see is that I live my life in a recliner because that's the only position I'm not in pain. Because of my painkillers I sleep a lot and a lot of that sleep is unplanned.


I also type very slowly because I've got one arm that doesn't work, so if you can find an employer who is happy for me to work from home (because offices and recliners don't mix) and also doesn't mind that I'm very slow and sleep at irregular times during the day then please let me know and I'll happily apply for a job with them.


Oh- and BTW- I do get DLA, but I'm on no means tested benefits because I paid the premiums on my health insurance before I got ill, so almost 90% of the amount that I get in disability benefits is covered by my own current tax payments. Just before you start on a full 'you're a drain on the state' roll ;)

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