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PIP, DLA and the disabled

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I'm sure that you have a genuine problem. It's the ones that don't and make false claims who you and me are annoyed at, yea?


Even with your bad back, what work are you able to do?


We are on the same wavelength Tony with regards to the problems with false claims, no problems there. You ask me what work I could do now, valid question and I shall try and answer it truthfully and to the point. I have been assessed by three DWP department doctors in the last year and all of them have classified me as, at least,70% disabled. I wont go into the why's and what fors, just say that my disability is dibilitating at times and it does not matter wether I am sat down or stood up, if I am not near a place to hold me up, then I am on the floor... Imagine someone placing a live 240v bare lead on your bum and the current runs all the way down your right leg, or having a stun gun on your leg. I go through that every day and there is only morphine that will stop it but I refuse to have morphine as I had it after my first of four operations and it made me really sick. Yes, sometimes I can walk normal for a while and I can sit for a while but then I get a Spasm that makes me curl up into a ball its so painful. I would not wish my pain on anyone but I do hope that some of the big mouthed heroes on here could spend just one day in our shoes and see just what misery and boredom and loneliness and feeling useless and vulnerable and indeed Suicidal..

Its a hard life having a job and being able to do all the things that your efforts bring you, Its an even harder life having been there and no longer being able to dress yourselves anymore at times. :sad:

Sorry got a bit carried away :blush:

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If these people live such great lives and it is so easy to blag why aren't you doing it yourself?

Funny you should say that I've tried to go on the sick a few times in the past and they don't want to know me mainly because I get a crummy army pension or they say I haven't paid enough stamps, I once got £14 of them when I was really ill with my back a few years ago.

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I think we all know one don't we there's one near us he has been on benefits for years he is a nice guy and his family are nice people but he has supposed to have had loads of heart problems and been at deaths door loads of times, but you see him in the beer off stocking up on booz and fags and he is a wizz with the horses he is always bragging about winning,I walked down the road with him the other day and I am a fit guy but I had all on to keep up with him.


Why don't you report him then ?

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Funny you should say that I've tried to go on the sick a few times in the past and they don't want to know me mainly because I get a crummy army pension or they say I haven't paid enough stamps, I once got £14 of them when I was really ill with my back a few years ago.


That will be the self employment; the benefits system isn't there to help us.

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I suffer from severe lower back pain and have to take Paracetamol, Napraxone, pregabalin, Omeprazole, Oxy-Codone and Zopiclone (to keep me asleep through the pain at night) for the forseeable future. Back pain was a common ailment that has been abused to get benefits but with the Invention of the M.R.I. scanner, these people that cry wolf can be caught out quite easilly. M.R.I. scans do not lie and can see any abnormalities in the spine or back muscles. I have had the snide comments about 'getting away with it' because it cannot be proved, well now it can be in 30 minutes.


Nicely said ... cos I too suffer from back problems, aswell as sciatic pain in my left butt cheek and left leg .. and a dead left foot due to failed back surgery.


As much as the physical problems, the medications needed to control the pain can cause tremendous disability.


Am due at the Hallamshire next week as I have a spinal cord stimulator .. a bit like an internal ten machine, but more expensive. Because the initial lead was unable to be programmed to give good coverage, I am now having a laminectomy and a paddle lead placed into a space in my spine .. this should hopefully give better coverage and hopefully, aid me in pain relief together with my meds.


Sadly what it wont due, is cure me .. some people seem to think that my going for yet another back operation next week is going to have me up and running about in no time .. lol .. I wish.


My life revolves around pain and no matter what pain relief you have .. (I am on Oramorph, Tramadol, Paracetamol, Diazepam and Amitryptilline aswell as a multitude of others to counter the effects of the previous drugs doing damage to ones bowel being blocked and ones stomach being burnt) it never gets rid of it. It eases it, but it doesn't work like a headache pill .. the pain doesn't go away.


I can make about 10 steps before severe sciatic pain has me stood rocking like a mum holding a baby, trying to ease the pain .. then perhaps my back will decide to spasm. Now that's a good one, as you can't move!! You can't move an INCH for pain.


My quality of life is poop .. I still smile .. you have to .. but I have days when I am down that black hole and I feel there is no way out.


Even simple things like being sat here I keep having to get up, sit down, wiggle about .. I feel like I have tourettes of the body !!


Mine and the life of the rest of my family, has had to change drastically in the last few years. My husband sometimes says it's not joyous any more .. because I was so impulsive and would want to go and do things in the click of a finger .. He is ultra supportive of me and I couldnt wish for anyone better, but it must be putting a strain on him when he has to get me up to go to the toilet in the night, and get me back into bed .. help me into the shower and help me out .. help me on with my clothes .. then go to work .. only to come home and have to cook a meal because I can't lift pans, I have no concentration and have burnt so many things - I'm personally not safe in the kitchen.


We muddle through ... and we've got each other. and that's all that matters.

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Done that several times with one disabled window cleaner but nothing changed, they have to catch him.

My opinion is he is fit for work he should be called in and made to get a job as he does look like he could work to me,as for grassing him up no I don't think I would do that mainly because I'm not a doctor and I don't know his proper heath story he mite be very ill for all I know.

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Sorry got a bit carried away :blush:

No problem at all. The system is there to help folk like you (and Medusa) who have intractable problems, and long may that continue.


I'd like to see lots of effort put into developing ways that people like you guys can do what you're able to in a way that doesn't leave you out of pocket. To date it's been the worst of all worlds, and I really do feel for you. But for the grace of, etc.

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