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PIP, DLA and the disabled

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They don't sit at home; they go down the pub or work in their allotment, that’s when they aren't on holiday.:) I just changed what I do for a living when I put my back out.


Why do you have to be like that? There are people who are genuinely ill and deserve the help and there are people who are genuinely taking the michael. I can't understand why you need to wish ill health on the man for stating the truth that some people do abuse the system and sit in the pub.


Tony wouldnt wish ill health on anyone, i was making a point, anyone can find themselves unable to work due to disability at the drop of a hat, just because one person has managed to carry on regardless does not mean everyone can does it?. Unless you have the sufficient medical degree and full access to the persons medical history how can you judge weather they are worthy of it?


I get sick to the back teeth of people judging (benefits aside) i am the parent of a child with a lifelong invisible disability the amounts of raised eyebrows and tuts i get when out and about is pathetic to say the least.


As already stated DLA is not means tested those entitled to claim it, would get it regardless.

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I did a fabulous one yesterday which is a sure sign of too much pain (and one working arm) making me unsafe- and was a very good reason not to try to drive anywhere yesterday.


I was feeling pretty crap and in pain in general but I'd got stomach ache so I went to make myself some fennel tea. I put my big mug on the kitchen surface, put in teabag and boiling water and then pushed my gammy arm up to wedge the post underneath it to take it into the other room to read it.


Unfortunately my gammy arm caught the top of my mug and tipped half of the boiling contents down my front. My good hand caught the mug and stood it back up in order to prevent the rest of it also scalding me, but of course that meant a delay in getting my t-shirt and jumper away from my skin and getting the first aid underway.


The result of this is that I've got a scald about 8 inches square, complete with blisters, all down my belly now and it really stings rather badly.


As saffy says, you just have to get on with things because there's no other option, but sometimes it's so frustrating I could sit and cry.

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I'm finding this all so sad. A discussion about Dla & what the changes may involve has descended into prove your worthiness to share our oxygen.


Only muldoon has provided the latest information regarding the proposed changes (which was the intention of this thread)


Is it probably going to be the low rate recipients who will lose. I seem to recall reading somewhere that there are 3.2million claiments and the aim is to reduce the figure to 2.3million? That's a deficit of 900,000

Which I suppose ties in quite well with muldoons post that says the low rate recipients were Estimated to be 1 and a half million but that there are actually over 8 million awards now.

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Medusa I feel for you, I did something like that once carrying my coffee on the same side as my handbag which slipped down and the hot coffee brought the skin off my hand, the waitress brought out a spray which stopped the pain - I do hope it heals soon

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I'm finding this all so sad. A discussion about Dla & what the changes may involve has descended into prove your worthiness to share our oxygen.


No it hasn't. It's because of silly over the top reactions like this that people get away with fraud. No-one dare question them. No-one asked anyone on here to prove their worth. All has been asked is are you sure there's nothing you can do? What exactly is wrong with that?


I know, instead of enquiring to try and find out the genuine claimants over the fraudsters, why don't we just all claim benefits. Hey if no-one can challenge my bad back I may as well claim whatever benefit I can get. Just where do you think the welfare state would be if we all did that?

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You spend so much time moderating a forum or more commonly known, working on a PC. Why if you can do this can't you work as something like a data inputter? Genuine question.


Tony - I think it was this post which seemed to ask for justification

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No it hasn't. It's because of silly over the top reactions like this that people get away with fraud. No-one dare question them. No-one asked anyone on here to prove their worth. All has been asked is are you sure there's nothing you can do? What exactly is wrong with that?


I know, instead of enquiring to try and find out the genuine claimants over the fraudsters, why don't we just all claim benefits. Hey if no-one can challenge my bad back I may as well claim whatever benefit I can get. Just where do you think the welfare state would be if we all did that?


Unfortunately because of the way claimants are lumped together and demonised (scroungers ring any bells?) people with serious health issues and disabilities must feel ever more vulnerable. That is a possible reason why they try to share their experiences with those of us who are more fortunate in our health.


I wouldn't volunteer to swap places with someone who is in constant pain, or who has a permanently limiting physical or mental condition or disability. Would you?

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Tony - I think it was this post which seemed to ask for justification


And what's wrong with that? As I said in another post. My observations suggest Medusa is on the Internet a lot, I simply asked why rather rather than spending your time moderating a forum can't you use that time for employment. Medusa explained perfectly why not. If asking questions like that is seen as me demanding they prove their "Worthiness to share oxygen." then I fear for yourselves, it must be hard even going outdoors sometimes and I genuinely do fear for the welfare state.


If we're not going to identify the fraudsters and wasters for fear of upsetting the odd observer then the fraudsters will get away with it and ultimately there'll be that many claiming the system will simply break. But hey that's ok so long as we don't upset anyone by actually suggesting benefit claimants try other solutions.


I also think you will find if you read on that I sympathised with Medusa's situation once explained. From an outsider it simply looks like she is fine because she's often on here.

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Because DLA has NOTHING to do with what a person can or can't do in respect to employment... that's what's wrong with that!


Again, have you read the whole thread? Medusa wasn't offended by the question? The question you have quoted out of context wasn't asked with regards to benefit. It was asked with regards to how often Medusa is on here.

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