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PIP, DLA and the disabled

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What you don't see is that I live my life in a recliner because that's the only position I'm not in pain. Because of my painkillers I sleep a lot and a lot of that sleep is unplanned.


I also type very slowly because I've got one arm that doesn't work, so if you can find an employer who is happy for me to work from home (because offices and recliners don't mix) and also doesn't mind that I'm very slow and sleep at irregular times during the day then please let me know and I'll happily apply for a job with them.


Oh- and BTW- I do get DLA, but I'm on no means tested benefits because I paid the premiums on my health insurance before I got ill, so almost 90% of the amount that I get in disability benefits is covered by my own current tax payments. Just before you start on a full 'you're a drain on the state' roll ;)


Going on how often you are on here and many other people who spend time on the Internet whilst claiming to have some form of disability, I don't think it was an unreasonable thing to ask. I know plenty of people who work from home and what with computers being ubiquitous it also doesn't seem too much of a stretch to assume some of that computer time could be put to earning money.


To your bottom part, it wasn't a swipe. I even said I have my own disability. Is this yet another example of an SF user trying to silence opinion by hinting at me coming up with some troll like comment? You may or may not be genuine, that is not for me to decide.


I just find it strange that so many disabled people are able to use computers for prolonged periods of time yet none of them think of being productive with that time.


Now don't worry I'm not attacking you here, just playing with the thread. Couldn't you go self employed? Sell things on Ebay perhaps?

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Going on how often you are on here and many other people who spend time on the Internet whilst claiming to have some form of disability, I don't think it was an unreasonable thing to ask. I know plenty of people who work from home and what with computers being ubiquitous it also doesn't seem too much of a stretch to assume some of that computer time could be put to earning money.


To your bottom part, it wasn't a swipe. I even said I have my own disability. Is this yet another example of an SF user trying to silence opinion by hinting at me coming up with some troll like comment? You may or may not be genuine, that is not for me to decide.


I just find it strange that so many disabled people are able to use computers for prolonged periods of time yet none of them think of being productive with that time.


Now don't worry I'm not attacking you here, just playing with the thread. Couldn't you go self employed? Sell things on Ebay perhaps?


Self employed eBay seller? Not worth the hassle IMO! And no, I am NOT saying this because I'm workshy, and I'm sure Medusa isn't either, if we could work (and the system would let us), we would both love to work.

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Self employed eBay seller? Not worth the hassle IMO! And no, I am NOT saying this because I'm workshy, and I'm sure Medusa isn't either, if we could work (and the system would let us), we would both love to work.


The system does let you. Medusa is allowed to "work" on here. It's unpaid but no-one in the system appears to have said she can't. I didn't mention work-shy Rich. You're doing what Medusa did earlier. Why instantly go on the defensive? I haven't attacked any of you. I've simply been logical.

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Self employed eBay seller? Not worth the hassle IMO! And no, I am NOT saying this because I'm workshy, and I'm sure Medusa isn't either, if we could work (and the system would let us), we would both love to work.


Also regarding the Ebay bit. I have a mate who did think it was worth the hassle. He made a killing on it. All he did was order stuff from websites and sell it on Ebay. Technically, he never needed to leave the house to work.

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I just find it strange that so many disabled people are able to use computers for prolonged periods of time yet none of them think of being productive with that time.


Now don't worry I'm not attacking you here, just playing with the thread. Couldn't you go self employed? Sell things on Ebay perhaps?


Why should I go self-employed? I insured my income and between doctors who tell me I'm not well enough to work and my own experience of trying to stay awake and upright for a full working day I'm very glad that I did pay the premiums.


I'm caught in my own form of a benefits trap because if I start work and sign off my pension insurance and am then not well enough to continue work then I've lost both the pension and the wages from the work and I'd end up losing my house since I'm still paying a mortgage. Nobody in their right mind would sign off a private pension and go self employed unless they knew they were well enough to work (and I know that I'm not).


That wouldn't affect my DLA by the way, because I'd qualify for that even if I was a millionaire, as does everybody else who meets the criteria. I wouldn't claim it if I could afford not to, but I'd still qualify for it because it's not means tested.

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Self employed eBay seller? Not worth the hassle IMO! And no, I am NOT saying this because I'm workshy, and I'm sure Medusa isn't either, if we could work (and the system would let us), we would both love to work.

But you do work albeit as you claim on a voluntary basis therefore unlike what Medusa claims you are capable of work and indeed you have stated on here on numerous occasions your reluctance to work because it would affect your benefits,you seem to have the ability to work but lack the self esteem to give up your benefits.

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The system does let you. Medusa is allowed to "work" on here. It's unpaid but no-one in the system appears to have said she can't. I didn't mention work-shy Rich. You're doing what Medusa did earlier. Why instantly go on the defensive? I haven't attacked any of you. I've simply been logical.


I've gone on the defensive because I've spent the last 15 years justifying why I'm still alive and breathing the oxygen that appears to belong to the people who like to look down their noses and sneer at those of us who aren't well enough to work.


Granted, it's an entrenched position, but I didn't learn to fall back to this position all by myself. It came as a product of many years of being distrusted and assumed to be a fraudulent claimant by all and sundry who see it as their place to tell me that I'm a drain on society.

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Also regarding the Ebay bit. I have a mate who did think it was worth the hassle. He made a killing on it. All he did was order stuff from websites and sell it on Ebay. Technically, he never needed to leave the house to work.


He made a killing? Call me cynical but I find that hard to believe, all his "profits" would be eaten up in seller fees for a start.

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Also regarding the Ebay bit. I have a mate who did think it was worth the hassle. He made a killing on it. All he did was order stuff from websites and sell it on Ebay. Technically, he never needed to leave the house to work.


Well, there's one really big reason why I couldn't do that one, and it's a very practical reason.


Have you ever tried putting anything in an envelope one handed? Or wrapping anything securely? I have great problems taking my own mail out of envelopes, so I'd have no chance of envelope stuffing on a larger scale, whether as a mail shot or individual items into packages.

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