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PIP, DLA and the disabled

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Well I am on DLA but use the internet - a lot. Problem is I have to lay on my left side, as it's the only way I am comfortable, I cannot sit for any period of time, or even lay on my right side. It's great fun having to lay down most of the day - watching your life pass by.


As for employment, any one out there who wants an employee that can only lay down most of the day, and who frequently falls asleep. If so please PM me with job description.



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Well I am on DLA but use the internet - a lot. Problem is I have to lay on my left side, as it's the only way I am comfortable, I cannot sit for any period of time, or even lay on my right side. It's great fun having to lay down most of the day - watching your life pass by.


As for employment, any one out there who wants an employee that can only lay down most of the day, and who frequently falls asleep. If so please PM me with job description.




I'm lucky- I get to lie in a recliner, but I still only get to use one arm. Pile of poo sometimes isn't it?

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All of the available figures show a fraudulent claim rate of 1% or lower amongst those who are in receipt of DLA, so I'm not sure where the 'plenty' figure comes from.



Perhaps it may be because, when you include "overpayment as a result of failure to report a change in circumstances" (as separate from clear "fraud", the figures are around 10%?


Don't forget that there are something like 6% of cases underpaid as well.

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In fairness to Tony, he does seem to have been asking out of genuine curiosity rather than implying that Medusa damn well should be working.


In fairness to Medusa, a lot of people have asked the same question before who very much were implying that she ought to be at work, so it's no surprise if she assumes the worst whenever it gets asked again. :cool:

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Why should I go self-employed? I insured my income and between doctors who tell me I'm not well enough to work and my own experience of trying to stay awake and upright for a full working day I'm very glad that I did pay the premiums.


I'm caught in my own form of a benefits trap because if I start work and sign off my pension insurance and am then not well enough to continue work then I've lost both the pension and the wages from the work and I'd end up losing my house since I'm still paying a mortgage. Nobody in their right mind would sign off a private pension and go self employed unless they knew they were well enough to work (and I know that I'm not).


That wouldn't affect my DLA by the way, because I'd qualify for that even if I was a millionaire, as does everybody else who meets the criteria. I wouldn't claim it if I could afford not to, but I'd still qualify for it because it's not means tested.


I've gone on the defensive because I've spent the last 15 years justifying why I'm still alive and breathing the oxygen that appears to belong to the people who like to look down their noses and sneer at those of us who aren't well enough to work.


Granted, it's an entrenched position, but I didn't learn to fall back to this position all by myself. It came as a product of many years of being distrusted and assumed to be a fraudulent claimant by all and sundry who see it as their place to tell me that I'm a drain on society.


Well, there's one really big reason why I couldn't do that one, and it's a very practical reason.


Have you ever tried putting anything in an envelope one handed? Or wrapping anything securely? I have great problems taking my own mail out of envelopes, so I'd have no chance of envelope stuffing on a larger scale, whether as a mail shot or individual items into packages.


Well I am on DLA but use the internet - a lot. Problem is I have to lay on my left side, as it's the only way I am comfortable, I cannot sit for any period of time, or even lay on my right side. It's great fun having to lay down most of the day - watching your life pass by.


As for employment, any one out there who wants an employee that can only lay down most of the day, and who frequently falls asleep. If so please PM me with job description.




Now you're giving me something to go on. Now you have explained your situation I sympathise and honestly do think it would be difficult. I also welcome my paying of taxes to support people in situations such as yours. I believe in our welfare state and I don't want to see it destroyed by politicians. I equally don't want to see it abused as that simply gives the politicians an excuse for one.


The problem for us and yourselves is that there are a lot of claimants out there who simply play the system. There's no way anyone on this thread can honestly say they don't know someone trying it on with benefits or robbing from the tax payer. What's wrong with trying to eliminate that problem?


I made my suggestions because that's how I like to think I do things. If plan A isn't working then surely one should explore plan B? I don't want you to take my suggestions personally.

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Also regarding the Ebay bit. I have a mate who did think it was worth the hassle. He made a killing on it. All he did was order stuff from websites and sell it on Ebay. Technically, he never needed to leave the house to work.


So how does he post stuff then ?When I want to post a parcel I have to go to the post office

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I cant believe your having to explain on an open forum why you are unable to work medusa. Its a disgrace that anyone should ask.


I have recently been awarded DLA for my disabled daughter. Since the award I have had friends tell me to my face, They believe my daughter doesn't deserve her award, She's not disabled ENOUGH according to one friend (who gets DLA for herself and her child and certainly has no where near the required extra needs of my daughter!!!)


Who the hell thinks they've got better knowledge than the doctor who wrote my daughters statement and the decision maker at DLA???


Yes there are people draining the benefits system and contributing diddly squat to society but disability living allowance is there to help people with a genuine disability lead as normal a life as possible.


I genuinely believe with the extra costs involved with my daughters disability and without the huge help of DLA we would have been sinking fast in terms of utility bills and extra clothing bills.


I just wish people would stop and think before letting garbage drool out of their mouths. They don't understand the extra strain we're under until they are wearing "my shoes"

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People shouldn't have to justify what they can and can't do to be in receipt of DLA, that is the point!.. it's not means tested, and it ISN'T a benefit that reflects whether a recipient is fit to work or not.. i.e you could be holding down a well paid full time job and still be entitled to DLA.


That is the point.. the clue is in it's name, it is meant to reflect the extra costs that has been deemed to be incumbent on a disabled person living in the UK today.


The problem is the Governement are blurring the issue by continuously lumping DLA in with incapacity benefit (or ESA).. some would say deliberately to try and sway the sentiment of the mass ill informed.


It doesn't stand that a DLA recipient is getting incapacity benefit, or vice versa.. though I think the Government like the majority of people to think that way.. it suits their purposes to cut 20% off the DLA expenditure.


DLA is a very effective benefit with fraud rates of less than 1% (DWP own figures) It is already incredibly hard to claim and the qualification criteria are very narrow. The government have announced that DLA claimants will also soon face assessment and that the overall number of claimants will be reduced by at least 20%. The government's own advisory committee concluded that they could find no justification for this reform and have asked for clarification from the government.

If a benefit is already very efficient, yet a government announce a 20% cull before a single assessment has even taken place, we conclude it can only be a cost cutting measure that will ignore genuine need.


So if only 1% is being abused, where's the other 19% of cuts to the benefit coming from? The very people who need it the most..

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Well I am on DLA but use the internet - a lot. Problem is I have to lay on my left side, as it's the only way I am comfortable, I cannot sit for any period of time, or even lay on my right side. It's great fun having to lay down most of the day - watching your life pass by.


As for employment, any one out there who wants an employee that can only lay down most of the day, and who frequently falls asleep. If so please PM me with job description.




I sympathise with you Angel and Medusa, I too have been awarded DLA, High rate Mobility and medium rate Care component as I am unable to walk for more than 10 foot without being in extreme pain and I cannot go anywhere without my crutches or I will fall over due to spasms down my right side. I have endured 4 operations on my spine now and I have been told by my consultant that I will never be able to work again either stood or seated. I have worked all my life, mainly outdoors and I am now confined to looking at 4 walls whilst taking very strong painkillers for the forseeable future. I would love to work but my condition prevents me from doing so safely. I have been 'tested' by the DWP doctors and they agree with the conclusions of my consultant and assess me to be 70% disabled :huh: The money does not make me any better off as I was in very well paid employment before my accident but it does help me get around by being able to afford taxis or paying friends to run me about when I need shopping etc.

There are those out there that get DLA by deception and drive around in nice new cars paid for by the state, the new screening is there to catch these people out that feign disability to defraud the state. If these new measures catch them out, it is no bad thing.

I would like to ask Rich, What voluntary work do you do ? Could you not get a paid job doing the same ?

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