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PIP, DLA and the disabled

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As an aside, I'd also remove childhood ADHD from the list of disabilities that entitled benefits.


There isnt a list of disabilities that actually entitle parents to claim DLA on there childs behalf, you dont need any diagnosis, as it often takes many years for children to be fully assessed.

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why justify your self to a set of ill mannered sub humans:gag:


Firstly, they're not sub humans, they're people with their own points of view and opinions, just like the rest of us.


Secondly, if people with disabilities aren't open and honest about the levels of crap that our daily lives include then how are people with really negative views about disability going to learn that there are genuine needs to provide funding for the extra living costs of living with a disability?


I'm not 'justifying myself', I'm explaining because there are a whole load of people with disabilities, who have just as many (or more) reasons to need the DLA/PIP as I do, but who are less able to stand up for themselves in the way that I do.


Having a disability puts you in a position which is worryingly vulnerable and voiceless in our society and those who need help the most are usually those who are least able to speak out or gain the attention needed to appeal or change opinions.

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Thats highly commendable Rich, well done to you ! Doesn't aspergers cause you problems when dealing with the public ?


No, as I don't generally work in a public facing role, I just escort the kids round the sets.

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There isnt a list of disabilities that actually entitle parents to claim DLA on there childs behalf, you dont need any diagnosis, as it often takes many years for children to be fully assessed.

there is

you do

it doesn't


Exceptions and exemptions obviously accepted. The point being (we're getting a bit OT here) that ADHD is abused for financial benefit, a bit like back pain.

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What some people need to remember is that its not free money which claimants lead the high life on. It's financial help which helps people lead as normal a life as possible who otherwise would struggle to do so.


You're right, it's not free money, many of us have to pay into the pot. Forgive me if I don't want that money to be blown on wasters and fraudsters. If one of the consequences of identifying the wasters and fraudsters is that the genuine cases have to be open about their disabilities then so be it. Getting rid of the wasters and fraudsters would ultimately benefit the genuine cases.

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You're right, it's not free money, many of us have to pay into the pot. Forgive me if I don't want that money to be blown on wasters and fraudsters. If one of the consequences of identifying the wasters and fraudsters is that the genuine cases have to be open about their disabilities then so be it. Getting rid of the wasters and fraudsters would ultimately benefit the genuine cases.


You say that but we need facts and figures. As stated fraud for DLA is less than 1%.


Although it isn't a positive message to send out, some tory MP a while back rubbished all the back to work programs and support to get people back to work saying currently it was cheaper just to pay people the dole.


Goverments want to be seen to be doing something but it would be interesting to see the actual money saved vs the cost of consultation of this idea, the assessors, the paperwork, etc. I would venture a guess that nothing is saved at all, that more is spent. But we want our politicians to look busy!

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there is

you do

it doesn't


Exceptions and exemptions obviously accepted. The point being (we're getting a bit OT here) that ADHD is abused for financial benefit, a bit like back pain.


I suffer from severe lower back pain and have to take Paracetamol, Napraxone, pregabalin, Omeprazole, Oxy-Codone and Zopiclone (to keep me asleep through the pain at night) for the forseeable future. Back pain was a common ailment that has been abused to get benefits but with the Invention of the M.R.I. scanner, these people that cry wolf can be caught out quite easilly. M.R.I. scans do not lie and can see any abnormalities in the spine or back muscles. I have had the snide comments about 'getting away with it' because it cannot be proved, well now it can be in 30 minutes.

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