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Are the B.B.C. news prejudiced against ugly people ?

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In my opinion the BBC take pleasure in choosing the ugliest, snootiest and most pretentious people they can find, Nick Robinson is not only ugly he is a snidey little *** and Gary O'Donoghue please No No No. Then we have the 2 ugly sisters Carole Walker and the insufferable Orla Guerin who's silly accent renders her unintelligible.

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The purpose of a newsreader on television, is to attract viewers.



It is, while unfair and arguably illegal, nevertheless a straightforward truth that ugly people don't attract as many viewers as handsome/pretty people. That isn't the television company's fault; they don't decide what people will watch.

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I think that it is ageism (far more so with women than men) as well as body and beauty fascism. Female weather presenters also seem to be far more attractive than male ones, the latter are a dying breed, are they not? The waif look appears to be all the rage with Natasha Kaplinsky and Sian Williams who appear to be fast disappearing before our eyes! I can't really comment on the commercial stations, Emily Maitlis started out on Sky I think.


I do love (slightly) disagreeing with you.


I'm totally in agreement with the ageism thing, which is de-facto sexism because it is applied unequally. Yes, let's shake hands on that.


I'm still not 100% with you on the beauty fascism with the BBC presenters though. The way the media presents celebrity beauty a definite yes, and I hate the Daily Mail in particular, but BBC news not so much.


Perhaps I'm just a sad middle-aged bloke, but I think that most women are just naturally attractive, equally as attractive as the BBC newsreaders. I was on a University reunion recently, and all the women looked drop dead gorgeous, especially compared to all the balding overweight blokes (myself excepted of course :) ).


All BBC newsreaders are pretty bright these days, and there's still the tradition that BBC weather presenters are actually provided, and educated, by the Met Office. (Are they still employed by the Met Office? :huh:)


Most reasonably intelligent people know that eating chips and smoking fags every day is not going to be good for you, and anybody with ambitions to be a TV presenter is bound to look after themselves a bit more.


I'm quite fond of Newsnight's Cambridge educated Emily Maitlis, bit judging by these photos she no more "attractive" than the average woman without the benefit of BBC make-up:





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Gary O'Donoghue is blind;their looks cannot match the ugliness of your comments.


John Sargent, Andrew Marr and Nick Robinson are not blind. Why have you not objected to me mentioning them? Don't you realise how offensive this is to sighted people?

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