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Are the B.B.C. news prejudiced against ugly people ?

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John Sargent, Andrew Marr and Nick Robinson are not blind. Why have you not objected to me mentioning them? Don't you realise how offensive this is to sighted people?


It is because his type of blindness is a consequence of a disfiguring disease,and please do not try to excuse your shabby conduct.Making fun of peoples' looks is a favourite occupation of school children(primary,secondary have eschewed such immature practice).

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It is because his type of blindness is a consequence of a disfiguring disease,and please do not try to excuse your shabby conduct.Making fun of peoples' looks is a favourite occupation of school children(primary,secondary have eschewed such immature practice).


I like Gary O'Donoghue. He has a lovely personality, and has worked very hard against the odds. I listened to a profile about him on Radio 4 recently and thought what a lovely guy. He also lives in Yorkshire. He's a attractive man.


But he is also the most overweight of the 4 guys I wrote down.


When I wrote down the last 4 political correspondents that I could think of, I did actually pause at the name of Gary O'Donoghue because I thought to myself that somebody would pick me up on it because he is blind. But then I came to my senses, why should I censor myself in this manner just because of his blindness. In fact it's pretty offensive to the blind that you think I should imho.

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I do love (slightly) disagreeing with you.


I'm totally in agreement with the ageism thing, which is de-facto sexism because it is applied unequally. Yes, let's shake hands on that.


I'm still not 100% with you on the beauty fascism with the BBC presenters though. The way the media presents celebrity beauty a definite yes, and I hate the Daily Mail in particular, but BBC news not so much.


Perhaps I'm just a sad middle-aged bloke, but I think that most women are just naturally attractive, equally as attractive as the BBC newsreaders. I was on a University reunion recently, and all the women looked drop dead gorgeous, especially compared to all the balding overweight blokes (myself excepted of course :) ).


All BBC newsreaders are pretty bright these days, and there's still the tradition that BBC weather presenters are actually provided, and educated, by the Met Office. (Are they still employed by the Met Office? :huh:)


Most reasonably intelligent people know that eating chips and smoking fags every day is not going to be good for you, and anybody with ambitions to be a TV presenter is bound to look after themselves a bit more.


I'm quite fond of Newsnight's Cambridge educated Emily Maitlis, bit judging by these photos she no more "attractive" than the average woman without the benefit of BBC make-up:






I think that we're approaching this from somewhat different perspectives. You say that in real life you find the majority of women attractive (a good haircut, some well applied make-up and some Botox injections can literally transform a woman, you only have to watch those make-over porgrammes to see this. It's much harder to give a man a similar kind of make-over). I have to say that I do not share your views of the opposite sex to me, I find very few men attractive, hardly any in fact! Attractiveness is subjective, however, I would guess that most men and women would find the regular BBC female TV presenters easy on the eye.


I still maintain that the female BBC news presenters are far more striking (and certainly thinner) that the average woman and certainly far more so than their male counterparts. Where are the female equivalents of the men who have been cited on here as being somewhat unprepossesing, Andrew Marr et al? Although, these men are commentators/reporters and with them comes a certain gravitas, am not sure that they'd be news presenters fronting a news programme.


The reunion comment is an interesting one and I have often made the same observations, that women generally look far better than their partners of the same age once they reach middle age (and often before), contrary to Frank Sidney's assertion that men age better than women - they do not, in my view, it's just that society is less judgemental and critical of men once they reach a certain age and have lost that youthful bloom, than it is of women.

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I think that we're approaching this from somewhat different perspectives. You say that in real life you find the majority of women attractive (a good haircut, some well applied make-up and some Botox injections can literally transform a woman, you only have to watch those make-over porgrammes to see this. It's much harder to give a man a similar kind of make-over). I have to say that I do not share your views of the opposite sex to me, I find very few men attractive, hardly any in fact! Attractiveness is subjective, however, I would guess that most men and women would find the regular BBC female TV presenters easy on the eye.


I still maintain that the female BBC news presenters are far more striking (and certainly thinner) that the average woman and certainly far more so than their male counterparts. Where are the female equivalents of the men who have been cited on here as being somewhat unprepossesing, Andrew Marr et al? Although, these men are commentators/reporters and with them comes a certain gravitas, am not sure that they'd be news presenters fronting a news programme.


The reunion comment is an interesting one and I have often made the same observations, that women generally look far better than their partners of the same age once they reach middle age (and often before), contrary to Frank Sidney's assertion that men age better than women - they do not, in my view, it's just that society is less judgemental and critical of men once they reach a certain age and have lost that youthful bloom, than it is of women.


Why are you disagreeing with me when it is a well known fact that I am always right?


However, in reflection and with some more thought I think we are both right...Women do tend to take more care of themselves and on the whole do look better when compared to men of the same age. Men give up on it at a much earlier age, in general, but if they don't they do tend to age better, IMO...:D

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I like Gary O'Donoghue. He has a lovely personality, and has worked very hard against the odds. I listened to a profile about him on Radio 4 recently and thought what a lovely guy. He also lives in Yorkshire. He's a attractive man.


But he is also the most overweight of the 4 guys I wrote down.


When I wrote down the last 4 political correspondents that I could think of, I did actually pause at the name of Gary O'Donoghue because I thought to myself that somebody would pick me up on it because he is blind. But then I came to my senses, why should I censor myself in this manner just because of his blindness. In fact it's pretty offensive to the blind that you think I should imho.


Now you are wriggling-its nothing to do with blindness but more to do with disfigurement.You are no doubt a very attractive person on the surface,or shold I say superficially.

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All BBC newsreaders are pretty bright these days, and there's still the tradition that BBC weather presenters are actually provided, and educated, by the Met Office. (Are they still employed by the Met Office? :huh:)


Are they? - On National news perhaps, but when I lived in East Anglia the local Weather presenter said (in an interview) "I'm not a qualified meteorologist and I don't know a lot about the weather, but I'm going to learn." I've no doubt she did.


Her opposite number on the other channel said (in a similar interview) "I've got a degree in Media Studies, I don't know anything about the weather, but I look pretty good." She did, too.


When she moved on to another job she as replaced by a lady who had been the fashion editor in a local magazine(?) and had worked for a radio station. Not only did she look good, but she knew about clothes, too. - And she still looks good. ;)


Local TV companies had a reputation as 'hatchet men' in East Anglia. One lady was 'moved' from her prime-time slot 'because she no longer attracted large audiences.' (Not because she was a little older than she had been, of course ;).) That programme lost a lot of viewers.

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