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Iranian blockade of persian gulf

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How close is Iran to having nuclear bomb capabilitiy. Should we assume that thier threat to blockade the Persian Gulf is a measure of thier nuclear capability or is this just the chest beating of yet another Arab State with ideas above its station. Will we or should we make a preemptive strike and destroy thier nuclear programme.

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It's a difficult moral position to take, using force because you don't like their arms development. Nobody appointed us boss of the world and gave us the power to dictate to other countries what they can and cannot do.

So on that basis the most we can legally do is to choose to stop buying their oil and refuse to sell them things.

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It's a difficult moral position to take, using force because you don't like their arms development. Nobody appointed us boss of the world and gave us the power to dictate to other countries what they can and cannot do.So on that basis the most we can legally do is to choose to stop buying their oil and refuse to sell them things.


And what if you sit by and do nothing, as the term went, and then that country then tries to tell you what you can and what you can't do?

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They're a way off having "the bomb".


The threat to close the Straights of Hormuz is, in my opinion, an Iranian diplomatic offensive designed to sow FUD within the 'international community'.


If anyone makes a military strike against Iran, it will be Israel - it's been years since Osirak, but I doubt they'll hesitate if they perceive an immediate threat and see an opportunity.


It will be interesting to see if Israel uses a tactical nuclear weapon to end Iranian nuclear ambitions. An ultimate irony there - Iran's nuclear facilities are, I hear, hardened against conventional attack.


Keep an eye out for Israeli subs in the Suez canal!


But let's not talk about the elephant in the room.

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I put it that what our media tells us of Irans nuclear capabilities and ambitions is pretty accurate. We will see a blockade of Iran and its waters soon. The reaction of other surrounding Islamic Arab states will be very telling.

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They're a way off having "the bomb".


The threat to close the Straights of Hormuz is, in my opinion, an Iranian diplomatic offensive designed to sow FUD within the 'international community'.


If anyone makes a military strike against Iran, it will be Israel - it's been years since Osirak, but I doubt they'll hesitate if they perceive an immediate threat and see an opportunity.


It will be interesting to see if Israel uses a tactical nuclear weapon to end Iranian nuclear ambitions. An ultimate irony there - Iran's nuclear facilities are, I hear, hardened against conventional attack.


Keep an eye out for Israeli subs in the Suez canal!


But let's not talk about the elephant in the room.


I cant see the Israelis using nukes of any description.

The fallout (so to speak) would be too great.

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I cant see the Israelis using nukes of any description.

The fallout (so to speak) would be too great.


Well that all depends on how much the rhetoric has been ratcheted up by our own leaders and media.


Judging by the OP, there would be plenty of support for such a strike in the US aligned countries.


Maybe an Israeli neutron bomb?

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