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Iranian blockade of persian gulf

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My point is clear JFKvsNixon: Iran should be able to develop the nuclear weapon if they want to.


ps: in case you are american, if I gave the impression that I have something against Americans it is not my position at all. I criticise actions taken by governments, not the people.


I have nothing else to add to this thread.


And do you believe that making analogies between the Allies actions in WW2 and the Holocaust is forwarding your argument?


You should also stop judging me by your own actions. I am not defending the American's actions because I am American, my opinions are based upon the knowledge gained from reading up on the subject for a number of years.


You should try it.

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The UN's IAEA disagree with you. You'll excuse me if I take their expertise on the topic over your opinion on SF.


If you read what the IAEA have actually said they don't disagree. That's why they want better access to the details as there is no real proof or evidence to date of them (Iran) producing material for a bomb. Point out the bit that says Iran are making a bomb and I may agree with you but until real evidence is gained its just hearsay.

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How close is Iran to having nuclear bomb capabilitiy. Should we assume that thier threat to blockade the Persian Gulf is a measure of thier nuclear capability or is this just the chest beating of yet another Arab State with ideas above its station. Will we or should we make a preemptive strike and destroy thier nuclear programme.


A blockade is an act of war.




So it's self defense.

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My point is: they knew how much damage a nuclear bomb caused and they still dropped the second one.


They could have used other means to stop the war, other than two nuclear bombs.


Too bad you weren't around to give Churchill, Truman and Stalin the benefit of your blinding wisdom.


You could have been the man who changed history. :hihi:

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It is - or was - a fairly expensive sport in the UK. I had access to a range at work for 9mm whenever I wanted it (providing it wasn't being used by other people) and I ran the small-bore club (hence the long list of .22 weapons.)


Rifle shooting meant going down to Bisley or to an Army range (Altcar wasn't too far from Sheffield) but - and particularly for those who had to buy their ammunition - full-bore rifle shooting was not cheap.


There are few places in England where you could just go into the hills and shoot - too crowded and too dangerous.


How about Snigg Hill on a Saturday night at chucking out time? A chav's head or two mounted on the walls down at the country club. Good conversational material :hihi:

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Given the context of the time, dropping the A bomb was the right thing todo.


Yes it was. What people who were born long after the end of WW2 dont understand is that the whole world, (the Russians and the rest of Europe including the Germans, the Chinese and the rest of the people of south east Asia, the Americans and members of the British Commonwealth of nations) were wearied to death of war after five long years of bombings, shortages, wholesale slaughter, and the loss of loved ones.


The majority of the Japanes population no doubt felt the same way as their major cities had already been heavily damaged by conventional bombing (although that super state of the art Boeing B-29 bomber did not come up to expectations for various reasons and losses in aircraft and crew were quite heavy at one time).


It has to be remembered too that the Japanese regarded their emperor as a God and if the emperor said "we fight on" who was to argue with that.


It was only the awesome destruction of the A-bomb that finally convinced the hard core fanatical members of the Japanese governmenet that they were now up against a weapon that was truly terrifying. But it did end the war and that was the main thing and our parents and grandparents who lived through those years would if they could give a big Amen to that I'm sure.

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Yes it was. What people who were born long after the end of WW2 dont understand is that the whole world, (the Russians and the rest of Europe including the Germans, the Chinese and the rest of the people of south east Asia, the Americans and members of the British Commonwealth of nations) were wearied to death of war after five long years of bombings, shortages, wholesale slaughter, and the loss of loved ones.


The majority of the Japanes population no doubt felt the same way as their major cities had already been heavily damaged by conventional bombing (although that super state of the art Boeing B-29 bomber did not come up to expectations for various reasons and losses in aircraft and crew were quite heavy at one time).


It has to be remembered too that the Japanese regarded their emperor as a God and if the emperor said "we fight on" who was to argue with that.


It was only the awesome destruction of the A-bomb that finally convinced the hard core fanatical members of the Japanese governmenet that they were now up against a weapon that was truly terrifying. But it did end the war and that was the main thing and our parents and grandparents who lived through those years would if they could give a big Amen to that I'm sure.


Spot on. Well said.

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