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Iranian blockade of persian gulf

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a single US aircraft carrier has more firepower than the entire Iranian airforce combined. Iran wouldn't dare.


Swarming tactics.


"In 2002, the US military ran a $250m (£160m) exercise called Millennium Challenge, pitting the US against an unnamed rogue state with lots of small boats and willing martyr brigades. The rogue state won, or at least was winning when the Pentagon brass decided to shut the exercise down. At the time, it was presumed that the adversary was Iraq as war with Saddam Hussein was in the air. But the fighting style mirrored that of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."

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This is why I don't believe that a nuclear Iran is even less of a risk than a nuclear Israel.


Even if you take Tony's point that Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map, he wouldn't use nuclear weapons to do it - it would be futile and self defeating. If you accept the more nuanced translation, it's much more likely Iran will sponsor the assassination of Israeli politicians, in much the same way Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated by Israeli sponsored killers.


Of course, even though her collaboration may have been limited, Iran did allow IAEA inspections until everyone got antsy again. A more accepting international attitude to Iran's nuclear ambitions would probably result in a resumption of inspections, and finally full disclosure.


No-one can claim that Israel is party to international conventions on nuclear weapons, or is ever likely to be.


The greater risk of a nuclear exchange seems to be the whole India/Pakistan thing.


Iran press service




They get it they will use it.

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How close is Iran to having nuclear bomb capabilitiy. Should we assume that thier threat to blockade the Persian Gulf is a measure of thier nuclear capability or is this just the chest beating of yet another Arab State with ideas above its station. Will we or should we make a preemptive strike and destroy thier nuclear programme.


Is Iran an Arab state, are you sure?


They're a way off having "the bomb".


I as far as I read it, at this moment they are trying to build the facilities to be able build a bomb.


a single US aircraft carrier has more firepower than the entire Iranian airforce combined. Iran wouldn't dare.


And all it could take is a lucky hit with one sunburn anti-ship missile for that fire power to be neutralised.


Didn't Iran sign a treaty promising not to attempt to build any nuclear weapons?

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Is Iran an Arab state, are you sure?




I as far as I read it, at this moment they are trying to build the facilities to be able build a bomb.




And all it could take is a lucky hit with one sunburn anti-ship missile for that fire power to be neutralised.


Didn't Iran sign a treaty promising not to attempt to build any nuclear weapons?


Didn't Hitler and Stalin sign a non-agression pact? If the face fits ....

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What Rafsanjani said:

You [uS and allies] are saying that you cannot trust Iran would not use its nuclear achievements in the military industries, but we are ready to give you full assurances in this respect
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What Rafsanjani said:


Plus this






TEHRAN 14 Dec. (IPS) One of Iran’s most influential ruling cleric called Friday on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only".


"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world", Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani told the crowd at the traditional Friday prayers in Tehran.


Analysts said not only Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani’s speech was the strongest against Israel, but also this is the first time that a prominent leader of the Islamic Republic openly suggests the use of nuclear weapon against the Jewish State.


They get it they will use it.

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Swarming tactics.


"In 2002, the US military ran a $250m (£160m) exercise called Millennium Challenge, pitting the US against an unnamed rogue state with lots of small boats and willing martyr brigades. The rogue state won, or at least was winning when the Pentagon brass decided to shut the exercise down. At the time, it was presumed that the adversary was Iraq as war with Saddam Hussein was in the air. But the fighting style mirrored that of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."


the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is not a bunch of suicide bombers. don't for one minute assume that just because they are Muslims, they all want to die for their religion / cause. look at Iraq and its supposed powerful army back in the 90's. as soon as an allied jackboot crossed their boarder, they surrendered faster than the french!

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