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Previous tenants debt

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They won't be interested. They'll say go to the CAB or phone head office, its not a police matter...


There'd have to be a threat of violence..


But if you prove (with a tenancy agreement) that you are not the person that they are looking for and that you have rented the whole property then that makes it clear that the person they are seeking is no longer there.


Then it just comes down to them checking with the landlord and the Post Office to see if anybody has a forwarding address.


We had this one to deal with when I was a student and in a rented property. The previous occupants, knowing that they would be returning variously to Mexico, the USA and Hong Kong after their courses finished spent the last 9 months of their time at university having a wail of a time running up debts with anybody that would let them. This meant that I spent much of the 18 months that we lived in the house dealing with waves of debt collectors, bailiffs, solicitor's agents and the like.


The answer was to get a copy of our tenancy agreement laminated and stick it to the back of the front door on a piece of string so that I could show it to people without leaving them on the doorstep. As soon as you prove that you are not the person that they are seeking then they no longer have a reason to pursue you.

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But if you prove (with a tenancy agreement) that you are not the person that they are looking for and that you have rented the whole property then that makes it clear that the person they are seeking is no longer there.


Then it just comes down to them checking with the landlord and the Post Office to see if anybody has a forwarding address.


We had this one to deal with when I was a student and in a rented property. The previous occupants, knowing that they would be returning variously to Mexico, the USA and Hong Kong after their courses finished spent the last 9 months of their time at university having a wail of a time running up debts with anybody that would let them. This meant that I spent much of the 18 months that we lived in the house dealing with waves of debt collectors, bailiffs, solicitor's agents and the like.


The answer was to get a copy of our tenancy agreement laminated and stick it to the back of the front door on a piece of string so that I could show it to people without leaving them on the doorstep. As soon as you prove that you are not the person that they are seeking then they no longer have a reason to pursue you.

I know that's what I said, obviously not as well as you though...:suspect:


Show them your tenancy agreement, give them your landlords details, don't let them in and keep the stuff.....


I was replying to this...


Don't show them anything, just tell them to get lost as the people they are looking for no longer live at that address, yes its as simple as that ! What's the problem :confused:
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