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Cameron, Clegg and Osborne policies push UK closer to recession

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It was whilst ever the population continued to borrow money to stimulate the economy and house prices continued to rise, Gordon encourage this stimulation because without it he knew or should have known that we would be in the preverbal. He was being warned for years about the growing personal debts of the nation and that these debts were unsustainable, but he couldn’t discourage the debts because his entire economic policies were based on it. Remember he wanted a continual boom and thought he could put of the bust forever. He turned out to be wrong whist many many people turned out to be right.


As already stated numerous time, more than I care to count, this is a largely global recession and is even now beginning to hit China, because their markets are shrinking, due to the recession. The economic situation has little to do with the UK.

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As already stated numerous time, more than I care to count, this is a largely global recession and is even now beginning to hit China, because their markets are shrinking, due to the recession. The economic situation has little to do with the UK.


As I already stated the global economies of the world were powered by unsustainable credit, the global economy appeared rosy because of these debts, money that banks lent and was encouraged by governments including ours. Global recession was inevitable as the credit dried up, unfortunately many governments including ours didn’t realise that the credit supply would dry up, they thought people could and would keep borrowing increasingly higher amounts of money for ever to stimulate the economies of the world.

The people that borrowed too much, the banks that lent too much and the governments in charge that allowed it to happen are to blame.


As one of the strongest economies in the world and the banking capital of the world it had everything to do with us.

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As I already stated the global economies of the world were powered by unsustainable credit, the global economy appeared rosy because of these debts, money that banks lent and was encouraged by governments including ours. Global recession was inevitable as the credit dried up, unfortunately many governments including ours didn’t realise that the credit supply would dry up, they thought people could and would keep borrowing increasingly higher amounts of money for ever to stimulate the economies of the world.

The people that borrowed too much, the banks that lent too much and the governments in charge that allowed it to happen are to blame.


As one of the strongest economies in the world and the banking capital of the world it had everything to do with us.


Snerk ! You're not even trying are you? You haven't even realised that the global recession would still exist even if the UK didn't exist. I can go on forever and no doubt will, but it won't change the facts.

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Snerk ! You're not even trying are you? You haven't even realised that the global recession would still exist even if the UK didn't exist. I can go on forever and no doubt will, but it won't change the facts.

I agree, nothing will change the fact that the UK government and many other governments, the banks and the people that borrowed too much caused the crisis. Anyone of these groups could have prevented it, the people didn’t have to borrow money, the banks didn’t have to lend them money and the governments didn’t have to encourage it, but hey it happened and its time to pay the price.

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It certainly won't. It also explains why 28% of people trust Labour on the economy. There's 28% as gulible as you.


Try to look at the overall scenario.

There is no difference now in the value of the world than there has ever been.

It has not evaporated into space. It is somewhere and being witheld.

And we all know by who, and what for. Dont we?

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Try to look at the overall scenario.

There is no difference now in the value of the world than there has ever been.

It has not evaporated into space. It is somewhere and being witheld.

And we all know by who, and what for. Dont we?


It's not hard to work it out.


Rich people have income producing assets. Once they own the assets the assets keep producing income for them. They sit back, watch the money roll in.


Complex fincancial products (CMOs, CDOs, bonds, sovereign debt etc..) are exactly this. As long as the little people at the bottom and the governments all keep paying in the money keeps rolling in.


But hold on, many of these financial products, bonds etc... are toxic pieces of crapoid. Rich people (aka the banks) realise this but there is a simple solution. Hold a gun to the head of governments, tell them there will be a financial apocolypse if the governments don't pony up the cash to cover the toxic assets. The governments cave in. The 'assets' continue to operate practically as normal. The money keeps rolling in. The banks are happy. Some of are not. The brainwashed idiotic masses think it's the right thing to do - the Turkeys voted for Christmas.

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Suppose we could ask Ed 'sorry seems to be the hardest word' Balls and Liam Byrne where all the money went under Labours astute financial stewardship?


Yes, the BBC could ask them as these two and Ed Milliband get extensive airtime to explain 'what they would do about the current problems'. :loopy:


In PMQs this week, Milliband said this Govt. had been in power for 20 months and failed to sort the economy. Well, as it took his lot 13 years to screw up, 20 months doesn't seem too bad.

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