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Will Global Recessions Ever End?

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Did you not already know the value of money is finished, the barter and capitalist system is dead. The only way they can pay off the debts is to create more debt by printing money and thus the circle keeps going round. Does not take a rocket science degree to know we need a new system without money and we need it now.
Not really. We just need a system that doesn't give anyone the right to create money out of thin air and loan it to us
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Money is the ultimate problem and the whole concept of it. I suppose it all comes down to how open minded you are, there is more money fuelling the economy in the upper 5 percent, that the remaining 95 percent of us are irrelevant, meaning 95 percent of us are totally irrelevant to the day to day running of our countries and economies as a whole.


That is a scary fact but it is true, we are expendable and no government lobbying under corrupt structures and using ideas and procedures that are also born out of the same corrupt structures are ****ing us all up, we can live without money. Imagine waking up every single day, doing what you want to do and actually enjoy, being creative and knowing 100 percent that everything you do will benefit you and the world around you, knowing that without the problems of money creating scarcity, you in turn will be a much happier human being.


That is not being retarded, it is being factual and inspirational, people only stick with this system of scarcity because they have been born into it and brainwashed from birth, just like religion, you chose one god or not, even if there is no evidence in history to say there even was any gods, it is preconceptions.


We can also make that choice with money, live with it and be bullied and brainwashed by corrupt governments and media, or, take off your blinkers and see a world without it, what an amazing place we would live in without the need to gain differential advantage over one an other.

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Then what will happen, World War 3.


Then we do what we have always done and start another boom, or we could learn from the mistakes and continue with very slow sustainable growth, saving in the good times to fund the bad times.

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Who is the "WE"? We start the boom do we? Well done, for swallowing the propaganda lies so convincingly!


We, as in ordinary people do not have a say is sod all.


Who controls the money supply controls the economy, the people, the society. SO do WE control the money supply? Do we print money till one needs double the amount to buy the same things? DO WE???


We are allowed to borrow when we are told we can. We have to ask, and at times like this begging is just amusing for the lenders to watch. Grown men desperate, when before they were so confident, just how the sodding mighty fall.


But its not just businesses who beg, most ordinary folk now prey they will have a job next Christmas, get the presents for the kids, and not have the house re-possessed the family in the throws of divorce and the kids taken for time into care.


The people who control the money, control your lives. They influence who works and who does not, who owns a HOME and who does not, who goes to the wall and who remains standing. Money has no conscience, and you are all nonentities when it comes to the bonus culture.


If you basic salary was just a few hundred thousand, but your bonus was well over a million, and all you had to do was manipulate figures, who would not be tempted? So the individual, or company goes bust, they night have gone anyway, and pushing the corps, or living dead, over the cliff does everyone a favor and feeds the gulls too. Anyway the dead live miles away, you will never meet them, so no need to even bother to think, think bonus!


Sp where and who are "WE"? Do WE decide to go for boom and bust? For a boom one needs lots of available cash, where does that come from? Can anyone actually think a bit deeper than learning from OUR mistakes. I made no mistakes. No one I know made no mistakes. WE don't run the sodding money supply! We don't create boom and busts! Busts are created when those that create the money supply restrict the amount in circulation.


So you feel for the propaganda lie, of WE! It was designed for the plebs to fight and blame each other while the money lenders made even higher bonuses.


When you are part of the bonus culture, you have offshore accounts, and your bonus is paid in share options these days, an under the table way of accepting bribes. Your bonus is therefore able to appear reduced, and the public are fooled yet again. Offshore accounts, pay no tax, if they are a shell company, so you pay proportionally more tax than they do. How simple it is to fool ordinary people, with a little help from friends, the media, compliant politicians.


Maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop blaming the mythical "WE"!

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Who is the "WE"? We start the boom do we? Well done, for swallowing the propaganda lies so convincingly!


We, as in ordinary people do not have a say is sod all.


Who controls the money supply controls the economy, the people, the society. SO do WE control the money supply? Do we print money till one needs double the amount to buy the same things? DO WE???


We are allowed to borrow when we are told we can. We have to ask, and at times like this begging is just amusing for the lenders to watch. Grown men desperate, when before they were so confident, just how the sodding mighty fall.


But its not just businesses who beg, most ordinary folk now prey they will have a job next Christmas, get the presents for the kids, and not have the house re-possessed the family in the throws of divorce and the kids taken for time into care.


The people who control the money, control your lives. They influence who works and who does not, who owns a HOME and who does not, who goes to the wall and who remains standing. Money has no conscience, and you are all nonentities when it comes to the bonus culture.


If you basic salary was just a few hundred thousand, but your bonus was well over a million, and all you had to do was manipulate figures, who would not be tempted? So the individual, or company goes bust, they night have gone anyway, and pushing the corps, or living dead, over the cliff does everyone a favor and feeds the gulls too. Anyway the dead live miles away, you will never meet them, so no need to even bother to think, think bonus!


Sp where and who are "WE"? Do WE decide to go for boom and bust? For a boom one needs lots of available cash, where does that come from? Can anyone actually think a bit deeper than learning from OUR mistakes. I made no mistakes. No one I know made no mistakes. WE don't run the sodding money supply! We don't create boom and busts! Busts are created when those that create the money supply restrict the amount in circulation.


So you feel for the propaganda lie, of WE! It was designed for the plebs to fight and blame each other while the money lenders made even higher bonuses.


When you are part of the bonus culture, you have offshore accounts, and your bonus is paid in share options these days, an under the table way of accepting bribes. Your bonus is therefore able to appear reduced, and the public are fooled yet again. Offshore accounts, pay no tax, if they are a shell company, so you pay proportionally more tax than they do. How simple it is to fool ordinary people, with a little help from friends, the media, compliant politicians.


Maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop blaming the mythical "WE"!


Excellent post.


:) x

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