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A thief in my house,but who?

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A couple or so weeks ago I noticed my engagement ring had gone from my bedroom.I always take my wedding and engagement ring off at night,plus my gold chain and leave them all together on my windowsill.I also don't wear them everyday so carn't remember exactly when it disappeared.One day only two of the items were there one morning.I started looking around for the missing ring and could not find it anywhere.I always take them off together so there is no reason for it to be separated from the other jewellery.I didn't think much of it at the time thinking it will show up.

My terminally ill daughter took part in a charity calendar for neurological illnesses.We were selling these calendars ourselves to and had a small box with a cheque and cash in.A couple of days ago I sold one and went to put the money in the box to find only £20,the cheque and some change left.There was over £180 in that box which has vanished.

My husband and two teenage daughters live with me.My eldest is ruled out as it's not physically possible for her to take it.She carn't move without assistance.My husband says he last saw all the money about two weeks ago when adding more money to the box.Youngest teenage daughter says not took it either.The box is left on a low shelf way below eye level.My telephone is on the next shelf up.Since about December I have had 3 different carers to help me wash and dress my daughter to go to school come into the house on weekdays.All have to use my phone to log in and out again so all could of seen the money(they wouldn't of known it was charity money).All could of had access to my bedroom when I am in the through floor lift with my daughter.The lift is slow so they could of had time to go in the bedroom first before meeting me downstairs.Only my mum and dad have visited in the two week period since my hub said all the money was there and I was with them the whole time.

This is just awful to suspect everyone.Has my ring gone or fallen somewhere and not found it yet?Where is the cash?Do I stop the carers coming and call the police?I don't want to cause trouble and lose my carer.

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What a dilemma!


As the previous poster proposed. Maybe a 'set-up' and sting operation is called for? But sadly if you've had 3 different carers, you may not find the real culprit. (assuming nobody in the house is suspect).


You could of course question the carer in a very lighthearted way. Something along the lines of ..... "My husband left some money on the shelf you wouldn't happen to have seen it? I think he's mistaken"...or something like that, and watch for the reaction. Body language talks volumes!


I do hope you sort it out....it must be awful!

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This is why most antique furniture, and internal doors of the same age, have locks on them. It was the best way to make sure people weren't tempted to wander into places they shouldn't be, or help themselves to things they shouldn't have :(

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No idea's from me I just wanted to say how awful for you and I hope you get to the bottom of this quickly, it must feel terrible to suspect a thief in the house and the extra heart ache it must cause wondering if it's the very people who are supposed to be easing your work load and helping you.


I hope you find your ring and your money turns up (I know that would be a miracle) just so your mind can rest easy. :)

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You should still report it to the police


it may be that other people attended by the same carer have had items go missing, but if these things aren't reported, the police can't do anything at all, and more people are at risk

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This is my problem.She said I can check her room for new stuff that has appeared,which she says hasn't.One thing in her defence is when she does have money she is off with her friends to town and I know she hasn't been anywhere but holed up in her room the last few weekends.

The 3 carers are in their 20's,30's and early 50's not that makes any difference I guess.I have got on with them all and they have been very chatty.I feel so deflated.

Hubby said he will put the missing money back on pay day tomorrow,carn't have the charity losing out,but things are tight enough as it is without that extra cost.

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