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A thief in my house,but who?

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my dad set a trap for our old cleaner that she fell for hook line and sinker. he just left a few tenners piled up next to his bed, and she helped herself to a couple. It was before the days of easy video-recording. I imagine even if you caught someone in the act, you still might not be able to prove it was them in the first place, but it will give you ammo to force the sod into a full confession and hopefully get your money back without involving the police. So yes, you must set a trap somehow.

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This is my problem.She said I can check her room for new stuff that has appeared,which she says hasn't.One thing in her defence is when she does have money she is off with her friends to town and I know she hasn't been anywhere but holed up in her room the last few weekends.

The 3 carers are in their 20's,30's and early 50's not that makes any difference I guess.I have got on with them all and they have been very chatty.I feel so deflated.

Hubby said he will put the missing money back on pay day tomorrow,carn't have the charity losing out,but things are tight enough as it is without that extra cost.


I have learnt over the years that teenagers can smile sweetly and lie through their teeth (I used to foster 'problem' teenagers many years ago...so I do know). But if she has had the money (and I'm not suggesting she has)...they also have a habit of slipping up. If this is the case, it will come to light at some point.


With regards to the carers (assuming your daughter is not responsible), they can be as chatty as they like. One of them is a thief! Setting them up, is probably the only way you're going to catch them.


As regards the ring, it is feasible that it's entirely unconnected. Have you looked in the vaccuum cleaner? Down the back of the radiator? Stuck on a thread on the curtain? Back of the skirting boards? On the ground outside the bedroom window? Under the bed? Amongst the bedding? Between the carpet and the skirting boards?...etc!

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First thing to do here is report it to the supervisor of the carers and the police.


This may seem daft after the fact and you may think its now un provable but if they are stealing from you then they will be doing it from others and the more reports people make the easier it will be for the employer to narrow it down and find exactly which one is doing it.


This assuming that its the carers.


You know its not you and you say its not your eldest daughter, but you cannot rule out your youngest daughter or even husband for that matter. Maybe not even them directly but someone they have in the house ?


The thing is with criminals is if they have some sort of deniability it makes it easier on their conscience to commit the crime. The fact that you have carers automatically re directs blame, so its much easier to front up and deny all knowledge of the crime to your face.


I agree that its probably a carer/someone outside of the family, but from what you say I would still consider there to be 5 possible suspects here, even the improbable is probable when it comes to crime.

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That is why I am so confused over what to do.:huh:Some one pointed out that if the ring was stolen then my daughter is highly unlikely to have someone to sell it to and are equally unlikely to want to wear it.

One of the carers is the manager who covers sickness/holidays ect and mainly stays in the office.So if I ring the office chances are one of the suspects will answer or find out what I have said from her boss.


Hub and I are going to take the bedroom to pieces this evening whilst my elder daughter is at respite to see if the ring shows up.Not fell out of the window due to the opening being high up,and no radiator to fall down either,but yes they may be unconnected?!


I think a trap or spy cam is the way to go sadly,but will it work putting money back in the same box or leave it elsewhere?

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Report it to the carers employers and the police. You may not be the only one.


A current police case at the moment revolves around similar circumstances(someone stealing from homes during official home visits), after 3 months of interviews other victims are still coming forward as they made aware of the original accusation.

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I think a trap or spy cam is the way to go sadly,but will it work putting money back in the same box or leave it elsewhere?
Photograph the serial numbers on the notes you leave wherever you choose :thumbsup:


I suppose leaving more money where they know they're going to find it will send the message that they got away with it last time, which is what you want for it to be a trap


of course it won't work if they've read this thread ;)

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Well good news and bad.


The ring has been found,in a tablet box of all things in my bedroom!!?So that is one mystery solved.How it got there is anyone's guess,but I am relieved.The cash still not turned up.I will be using my camera to record in my living room from Monday morning.I will be taking the serial numbers of notes planted in the box from now on to.

Received email this morning,charity now asking for money from the calendar sales to be sent in.Carn't bring myself to tell them,so we are covering the money taken.Left us totally skint after all the bills paid already,even though it's hubs payday.My daughter's illness is terminal,people have no conscience.We don't have holidays or even days out anymore and we still get money taken from us in our own home,even though it is not ours.

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A sorry tale, some folk have no conscience. Be warned by this event, keep your valuables and brass where no one knows, but yourself. Hard I know but learn from your mistake. There are some miserable folk about that would steal the skin off your rice pudding, if they could get away with it.



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