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A thief in my house,but who?

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Well good news and bad.


The ring has been found,in a tablet box of all things in my bedroom!!?So that is one mystery solved.How it got there is anyone's guess,but I am relieved.The cash still not turned up.I will be using my camera to record in my living room from Monday morning.I will be taking the serial numbers of notes planted in the box from now on to.

Received email this morning,charity now asking for money from the calendar sales to be sent in.Carn't bring myself to tell them,so we are covering the money taken.Left us totally skint after all the bills paid already,even though it's hubs payday.My daughter's illness is terminal,people have no conscience.We don't have holidays or even days out anymore and we still get money taken from us in our own home,even though it is not ours.


Well I'm glad the ring turned up for you! I had a feeling it wasn't connected with the money theft. It just didn't seem logical.


You just have to solve the money mystery now. Surveillance and planning is the key there. I'm sorry it's made you skint, right after payday. I wish I could help! :help:

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I really feel for you what a situation to be in,so glad you have found the ring.

It's a sad fact but nothing surprises me any more...

Years ago my gran was dying in hospital(northern general)me and my mum went to visit.....

Whilst there 2 nurses came and and asked if we could give them a few minutes so they could turn her over etc.....

My handbag was over my shoulder my mum had put hers on the bed locker....

You guessed it,got home mum went to get out money from her purse to find all the money missing.....I went balistic,we hadn't been any where else...

The police came did interview got statements etc,how much what time etc etc,they were interviewed no surprise denied it,however the police said it was important to have our input as if there were other complaints they could build a case.....On someones deathbed how low is that....

I would have another word with family members and makes sure it wasn't them then contact the police....

How dare people who are in a job of trust take advantage it's so wrong....

Also i've had bad experiences with home helps,and nursing homes,hence the reason i'm afraid i no longer trust humans as a whole......

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When I was young I remember stealing small amounts of money from my Father. I had a trick to ensure I never got caught.


Take the money, hide it under the sideboard (so I could find it and say it must have fallen off).


Leave it a few days until I knew it had not been missed then take it and spend it.


The ring could have been hidden by a thief for retrieval later. !!

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