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Do Other Peoples Kids Annoy You?

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I find parents who can't control their children more annoying, maybe in years to come there will be separate restaurants for adults and adults with children. It can be costly to eat out and we are paying for the ambience - or we may as well take the food out and eat it on a bench - perhaps the kids get all their own way at home and so expect it when in public as well. Then perhaps it would be better to take children to restaurants when they are able to behave

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It's almost impossible to find anywhere that isn't a "family restaurant". If anyone knows of one, apart from an Ember Inn, I'd be really glad to know. We went out twice last week, to restaurants not particularly designated "family friendly" and at a time we thought we might not have our evening ruined by badly behaved children.

At Casanova's last Friday, the table behind my friends had 3 adults & 2 children. Both children, probably aged 4 and 6, climbed onto their chairs and leaned over my friend, shouted, got down from the table and tried to run around a crowded restaurant. This lasted until they finally left at 7.30. A couple then came in with a baby, which they sat in a high chair. It screamed and screamed until we gave up and left at 8 pm. This may be family friendly, but it sure as hell ruins everyone else's meal.

At Ego, on a Saturday night, we arrived at our table at 8 pm. A small child on the other side of the restaurant yelled non-stop from the time we arrived until the parents finally took it away an hour later.

I tell you what, if one of the parents in either restaurant had told me or my friends to go and eat pub grub so that their child could scream as loudly as it liked, they'd have had their dinners where the sun don't shine and the child's too.

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My daughter is terrible, she is 3 and will tantrum for anything, and always has, from being tiny. She really knows how to get her own way by kicking off. Health visitor told me at 6 months its a sign of intelligence! She will scream for hours, and has serious temper problems, I'd never dream of taking her to a restaurant.

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You have my sympathy, these restaurants should organize a specific time for parents with children and then perhaps adults could enjoy their meals because it is a time to 'wind down' for a lot of people not to be wound up - and so many now are eating out and often after 8pm

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You have my sympathy, these restaurants should organize a specific time for parents with children and then perhaps adults could enjoy their meals because it is a time to 'wind down' for a lot of people not to be wound up - and so many now are eating out and often after 8pm



Great post. I only wish restaurateurs would take this up.

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I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise disrespectful and impatient of restraint


Well put couldn't agree more.....

Do peoples kids annoy me? Yes constantly......:(

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My daughter is terrible, she is 3 and will tantrum for anything, and always has, from being tiny. She really knows how to get her own way by kicking off. Health visitor told me at 6 months its a sign of intelligence! She will scream for hours, and has serious temper problems, I'd never dream of taking her to a restaurant.


But that's the point isn't it? It's down to the parents to have the sense and grace not to allow their children to ruin everybody else's meal.


I know that we can take my niece and nephew out for a meal in a restaurant and that they are happy to dress nicely, sit at the table and eat their meal in a way that doesn't impinge on other people's space or ears. If we didn't know that then we wouldn't make other people share the restaurant space with them.


If babies cry in a restaurant then it's down to one of the parents to have the sense to take that baby away from the dining area until s/he is soothed and can return. This is just the same as if someone who was eating had to take a phone call- you take it outside and don't disturb other diners. If everybody understood and applied that rule then the issues wouldn't occur in the first place, would they?

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