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Do Other Peoples Kids Annoy You?

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Nowt wong with kids in restaurants. Nowt wrong with them making noise either. What is wrong is when they start to annoy other diners. There has to be a balance and it's up to the parents to maintain that. I think if the parents can't manage that they shouldn't take the kids out - our littlest one was terrible when he has about 3 and our solution was to can family meals out for a couple of years because it wasn't worth the stress for us and we knew his behaviour was unfairly stressing other people.


Family meals out are a nice idea but they aren't cheap and there's no point having them if the kids cause you and other people a load of stress.


I think you've nailed it there and it's very considerate of you to think of the effect it has on others, we can often forget that it is sometimes stressful for parents too:)

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I love kids but work with them all week so I do like to go out to a restaurant where it's peaceful without any misbehaving kids. When my own daughter was small she was a nightmare in pubs/ restaurants so like I1L2T3 I stopped taking her out for sometime. It was neither restful for me never mind anyone else. However I think you can't always blame the parents. It has transpired in later life that my daughter has Aspergers and therefore didn't respond to our discipline very well but at least I had the sense to take her out when she acted up.

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Gobby schoolkids on busses really annoy me, climbing all over the seats, spitting on the floor and dropping litter everywhere.. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr :rant:

I agree send me crackers too, if I though my daughter ever behaved like that on a bus I will be totally ashamed. At least she grown up to be a sensible, respectful adult now so despite all her problems we must have done something right.

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My sister and I were in Kendals (House of Fraser) with our 4 children and at the next table were the parents and the little girl of about five, whilst we were having a quiet meal their child was running around OUR table chanting something, her parents meanwhile were enjoying peace and quiet - my sister said 'I don't know whether to clap'

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I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise disrespectful and impatient of restraint

Well put couldn't agree more....
Then it may interest you to know that I was quoting someone who lived the best part of 2000 years ago. Every generation seems to think the 'kids of today' are disrespectful fools.


Reminds me of another quote, this one from George Orwell: "Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it."

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I hate it when other parents expect you to watch their kids; a few times now, on the bus, the same girl of about 8 has come and sat with me and my 3 year old and been a right little brat - loud, cheeky and bouncing off the walls. Her mother, meanwhile is usually sat at the other end of the bus and doesn't even turn around, despite the fact her daughters loud enough to hear! Then people tut at me as they think I'M her mother. I should say something, but tbh I'm intimidated by the mum body language.

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