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How many people think that stage/street magic is real?

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Something happened last weekend that I still have trouble believing.


I was at a friend's house, we talked about Christmas and he mentioned he recieved some DVD's as presents. One of them was the Dynamo DVD (the street magician). We got talking about him and how impressive his skills are. I mentioned that some of his tricks are old ones that have been re-worked in his own style, but I can't for the life of me work out how he does some of his other tricks.


There was a silence at this point and he (and his wife) just looked at me then said "I just thought it was real". I llaughed, then he and his wife just looked at each other. I asked if he was joking and he said no. Just in case you're reading this mate, it's not you that REALLY left me dumbstruck, it's the next part...


After a short discussion about walking on water and illusionists and tricks, I eventually went home and looked on Youtube to try and work out how some of his cool tricks are done. That's when I started reading the comments underneath the videos, it appears there's a large portion of society that also thinks magic is real, there were people having arguments about it!


I really don't get it, the likes of Dynamo, David Blaine, Criss Angel are talented illusionists and entertainers, but that's all they are and I've never heard them claim otherwise, yet there seems to be many people who jump to the conclusion it must be real. Is this a widespread phenomena ?



EDIT: Added a link for those who haven't seen Dynamo's magic

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Im still trying to work out how dynamo gets the phone into the beer bottle :huh:


Its an old trick apparently, a specially designed bottle, I did look it up, can't quite remember

There was another where he did something like 'walking through a closed door' in a bar, and if you looked it up on youtube you could see him crouching down and getting past the bouncers or something, was a while ago, I forget now :lol:

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As to how he gets the phone in, I should imagine it is one of those plastic types you get in bars, cut open and sealed again :)


Notice how important context is here. He is outside a bar, other people have real glass bottles, people are lazy and are conditioned in to making an association 'bottle = hard glass'; and not stop to question the nature of every last detail.


He uses context very well to his advantage in most of his tricks.

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Hey everyone knows Harry potter was based on facts. And , and if magic were not real then how do people shrink on tv , I don't have a 6ft tv but I can see whole of ronny Corbett quiet easy.


I wouldn't go around upsetting people all to quickly , it's like telling the benifit zombies they've earned their free money.

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