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Would you ever disown someone? If yes why..

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Do you know Frank, the sad thing is, is that I actually miss that womans friendship.


Even after all the "same dilemma, different fellas name" conversations that we had.


But what she did was something that I just couldn't support. Those boys were traumatised with all the uncles coming and going and that was the last straw for me.


The very thing that you've said about your ex girlfriend and her parents not believing her is exactly what this woman would've said. It was her enjoyment at the expense of all others.


I reckon that sort of thing deserves a dumping, if not for your own peace of mind. Your action might have made her think a bit...

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I would have thought you would have better access to her kids if you had at least pretended to remain friends with her.


The question was "Would you ever disown someone?"...


I've responded to the direct question; there is much that I've left out so please don't insinuate that I don't have an eye on the situation.


As Frank has already replied above, what I did made her realise what a **** mother she was.. Her kids have my numbers in their phones if ever they need me - and they regularly send me naff jokes etc - then they know all they need to do is contact me

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The question was "Would you ever disown someone?"...


I've responded to the direct question; there is much that I've left out so please don't insinuate that I don't have an eye on the situation.


As Frank has already replied above, what I did made her realise what a **** mother she was.. Her kids have my numbers in their phones if ever they need me - and they regularly send me naff jokes etc - then they know all they need to do is contact me



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If its someone with a drug or drink problem, sooner or later you have to, if they won't stop, or they take you down with them..


Have to say you got it right it's the latter......

I'm afraid i have no sympathy with people who have either problem,in my eyes both are as bad as each other.....

The ironic thing is what ever the problem was in the first as to why they use it is still there.....It doesn't go away it it just makes the reality of living ten times worse.....

The sad and frustrating thing is no matter how many people try to help them it's all in vain if they don't want to stop,this person doesn't and never will...

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Hiya Hodge!


I severed all contact with my then best mate after she proudly announced (on Facebook) that she'd left her kids with random people she'd met on their holiday while she went out clubbing with the local men. (Turkey)


Her kids were 12 and 8, and in her mind leaving them with people overnight that she'd met by chatting to by the pool was perfectly acceptable.


When she got back home, we had a phone conversation and when I queried what she'd done she simply screamed "It was my holiday too!".


Needless to say, I put the phone down and have never spoken to her since.


Years ago i fell out with my best friend from school because we'd gone out clubbing.....She was supposed to be staying at my house,in the club she trotted off with a fella....

End of night no where to be seen,i went home rang her the following morning,her husband answered had a go at me for leaving her and he'd had to pick her up......

So she goes off having humpy pumpy and makes me out to be the bad one.

No surprise never seen her since

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