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Does anyone like ALCOPOPS in this so called alcopop generation. I tired a few (under protest) on a recent DIvision STreet crawl (alsl under protest) and thought they were bland tasteless vomit.....give me a pint of Black Sheep anyday!! Or a Newcastle Brown for that matter.


I asked for Newcastle brown in every place I went in just to see if they had any.......most of the bar bar staff had never seen a bottle of the stuff and went scrimmaging through their alcopop fridges trying to see if they could find one....it was funny. Had to settle for apint of warm tasteless STella or a bottle of pseudo very cheap naff vodka pretending to be orange juice......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to agree on this one.I can remember starting at the firkin foundry or the beahive as it was then working down to the mail coach both good pubs but with very different atmosphere's then you could slum it for a while in the Hallamshire could be a little weird for some but still interesting and a great juke box,then you had the west street hotel which had some good DJ's playing different music each night (not 70's 80'sEVERY night) loads of others to numerous to mention but the verierty was far greater before and I think made for a much more interesting night.

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Sad fact of life is that the reason you wont like a particular city centre bar - is because its not aimed at you! Some marketing dept will have worked out who gives the most spend per square foot in any area - and for most city centre bars - those are 18-30 yr olds getting bladdered.


The Devonshire Cat is as just as much aimed at a target market as any of the tacky bars - but as I'm obviously in that market - i dont mind too much ;)

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