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The best Sheffielders you have ever met.


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I have been thinking who are the best Sheffielders you have ever met.

I am not talking famous or well known like footballers or M.P,s etc, Just ordinary Joe,s and Joan's, who have crossed your path through life and left a lasting impression.


I also don,t include immediate family members as that would in all probability win every time.

Anyway here goes I will start with Ern the furn.

Earnest lived on Industry St at Walkley and was a Gentleman and scholar,

His job was main Furnace man at one of the big steel works in the East end of Sheffield.

At around about 21 years old i started using a pub on South Road at Walkley ,the pub was called The Rose House.

In the tap room corner used to sit Earnest,flat cap pushed back, tweed coat, and always a white sweat towel scarf as used by furnace men.


I got to be a pal of Ernest through the years and his outlook on life left a lasting impresion on me.

Ern for instance taught me how to talk to people without looking down on any one, he also explained to me how no one ever dies as no part of you can leave the Earth and that we are indeed reincarnated by the very process of dieing.

This was explained to me in great detail and to this day has left me with a sense that there is life after death although not as we would like to think of it and also not anything whatsoever to do with religion.

Ern was also a very generious man and would give you his last penny.He new that i was recently married and skint at that time he also new that i loved all kinds of music and that more than anything i would like a radio gram to play the new Sterio L.P,s that had just come out at that time.


One Saturday walking on South Rd Ern the Furn shouted me to call at his terrace house on Industry St as he had something to show me. I walked down to his place and he showed me in to the front room and there stood the best Sterio Gram i had ever seen with seperate speakers that were three foot high.

Ern put on a record called The Hall of the Mountain Kings [i think that was the title] and the full orchestra sound blasted out ,I had never heard any thing so brilliant in my life.

Anyway when it had played out he said what do you think of that then [Ern always talked like a gentleman never with De Da accent] I told him i was gob smacked with the sound.

Its yours he said, Don,t be daft Ern i replied, What do you mean its mine i could never afford that, Take it away said Ern its sat in here and never gets used so its doing no good for any one, you will use it and treasure it and that will make me happy. So thats what happened at that time in my life, Ern is still remembered by me not only for that kindness but for all the chats that we had, me a young knowitall and he a wise old timer that set me on a path through life I have not forgotten.

Any way a daft little story but one that I think Ern the Furn deserves because he is one of the forgotten old Sheffielders who will never have a plaque outside the Town Hall but should have because he was a proper gentleman.

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cuttsie my late father in law Howard Howson used to play crib with Ern in the Rose house this would be in the 60s when Bernard was the landlord I used it 64 to 66 and when we moved back to Walkley in 68 I would pop in when at home and I also went in the Crown. Florist Sportsman and Freedom up to leaving Walkley in 86

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cuttsie my late father in law Howard Howson used to play crib with Ern in the Rose house this would be in the 60s when Bernard was the landlord I used it 64 to 66 and when we moved back to Walkley in 68 I would pop in when at home and I also went in the Crown. Florist Sportsman and Freedom up to leaving Walkley in 86

We have most certainly met!

The other pubs were also on our walk round.

Bernard Frith [the landlord] is worth another thread the tales i could tell about the Rose House at that time would make you pee yourself.

Any way back to Ern what a good bloke he was.

P.S. I remember the name Howson .

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