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Getting on/off a bus with a pram

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Yes but maybe it's because of people then compaining about how difficult it was getting on and off buses, that they made the improvements that exist today, even though those improvements still apparently aren't enough for todays young mums. Just a thought.


hear hear joanl

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Right, there are buggy zones and wheelchair bays. Difference is buggy zones have 2 seats facing each other with space for a buggy in the middle and wheelchir bays have a backrest with space behind for a wheelchair or pushchair. A wheel chair on a bus must have the breaks applied, be facing the rear with the back of the chair against the back rest. You only normally find buggy zones on single deckers.

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I use the bus with my pram, and more often than not, the bus driver doesn't lower the floor for me to get off, I don't find it too much of a big deal, it's not that high anyway (maybe thats just the stops I tend to use).


I did get very angry once though, I was waiting for a bus at the Market, and a lady in a wheelchair who always caught my bus and spoke to me was waiting with me. I was used to having to fold my pram when she was there, I didn't mind. The bus arrived, 5 minutes late, with one pram on. The driver told me I may as well get my pram unfolded and get on, as he couldn't put the ramp down for this lady in her chair, as he didn't have time as he was late. I thought that was disgusting.

I assume that you informed the operator?

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Yes but maybe it's because of people then compaining about how difficult it was getting on and off buses, that they made the improvements that exist today, even thougwereh those improvements still apparently aren't enough for todays young mums. Just a thought.


Then maybe they need to revise those improvements more. Prams have changed, they're much more complicated now and they're more sophisticated. Unfortunately I don't drive yet (although I take my test march 1st) so my pram had to be sturdy and solid as I walk a lot and I have to use public transport, so I bought a baby jogger city select which my husband said cost more than twice the price of his first car. Prams were probably designed ti be more accessible for buses back then because fewer people drove. Nowadays they're not, which isn't great for people like me. So obviously buses have been adapted as a lot of them I noticed today whilst out do say buggy friendly. The services are there to use and so I don't frankly care how people coped years ago, when these services weren't offered because if they were you would have all used them and your parents etc would have so i thknk people need to stop being so flipping self-righteous, it's making me feel a bit sick :suspect:

Edited by butterball
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Yes but maybe it's because of people then compaining about how difficult it was getting on and off buses, that they made the improvements that exist today, even though those improvements still apparently aren't enough for todays young mums. Just a thought.


Why is it young mums who arent happy? Nobody is saying it isn't enough, the thread was started asking if ramps on the bus could be used for prams, they usually aren't but the foor can certainly be lowered.

It seems to me that the older mum's who did have to struggle seem to want the mums of this generation to struggle too, why I have no idea.

And as for you stating maybe it's because of people then complaining about how difficult it was getting on and off it certainly wasn't any of the super mums who have posted on this thread as they were happy to struggle and think that because they had to do it so should we :roll:

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Why is it young mums who arent happy? Nobody is saying it isn't enough, the thread was started asking if ramps on the bus could be used for prams, they usually aren't but the foor can certainly be lowered.

It seems to me that the older mum's who did have to struggle seem to want the mums of this generation to struggle too, why I have no idea.

And as for you stating maybe it's because of people then complaining about how difficult it was getting on and off it certainly wasn't any of the super mums who have posted on this thread as they were happy to struggle and think that because they had to do it so should we :roll:


Yes I agree jenz,there is a sense of that in this thread isn't there. I can guarantee the lot of them would have.used them if they had been around back then so frankly I think they're talking out if their bums!

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We must be lucky here then because our drivers "kneel" the buses for us even without prams and wheelchairs..whether we can get past the bit where they park them up is another matter though. Best things I ever had when mine were small incidently were reins and a hip carrier.


My first post, sticking up for you really because I don't think our buses are all that different to yours and if ours can do it, then why can't yours.


Then maybe they need to revise those improvements more. Prams have changed, they're much more complicated now and they're more sophisticated. Unfortunately I don't drive yet (although I take my test march 1st) so my pram had to be sturdy and solid as I walk a lot and I have to use public transport, so I bought a baby jogger city select which my husband said cost more than twice the price of his first car. Prams were probably designed ti be more accessible for buses back then because fewer people drove. Nowadays they're not, which isn't great for people like me. So obviously buses have been adapted as a lot of them I noticed today whilst out do say buggy friendly. The services are there to use and so I don't frankly care how people coped years ago, when these services weren't offered because if they were you would have all used them and your parents etc would have so i thknk people need to stop being so flipping self-righteous, it's making me feel a bit sick :suspect:


Buses were far from more accessable then.....I for one had a coachbuilt Silver Cross pram with a seat on top for the older one. I also walked a lot.


Why is it young mums who arent happy? Nobody is saying it isn't enough, the thread was started asking if ramps on the bus could be used for prams, they usually aren't but the foor can certainly be lowered.

It seems to me that the older mum's who did have to struggle seem to want the mums of this generation to struggle too, why I have no idea.

And as for you stating maybe it's because of people then complaining about how difficult it was getting on and off it certainly wasn't any of the super mums who have posted on this thread as they were happy to struggle and think that because they had to do it so should we :roll:


OK, maybe I should have said younger moms. I personally never struggled because I can honestly say I never went on a bus with a pram and I've never been a driver either.


Yes I agree jenz,there is a sense of that in this thread isn't there. I can guarantee the lot of them would have.used them if they had been around back then so frankly I think they're talking out if their bums!


I have nothing against young mums, after all, I was one once and so was my daughter and so is my grand-daughter. There were things that I didn't like back then I suppose but that's life, you have to learn how to cope. I suppose if I was a young mum now, I would struggle to know how to push a buggy, hold on to a toddler and hold a mobile up to my ear, all at the same time as well as carry the shopping.

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I would struggle to know how to push a buggy, hold on to a toddler and hold a mobile up to my ear, all at the same time as well as carry the shopping.


see, that's implying that mum's now are irresponsible because they're apparently holding mobile phones - a huuuuuuuge generalisation!! :rolleyes:

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mock all you like we have rights to use any transport with a buggie when the bus is high up and the bus is parked away from the kerb its going to be hard for us mums to get on the bus ive always asked the driver to lower the bus but its like talking to a brick wall


How do you think people went on before they had these devices when the platforms were higher still?. There must be many dozens of these prams who are owned by people using buses but don't have this problem. Maybe you should change to a buggy you can handle

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