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Getting on/off a bus with a pram

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I never had this attitude until I received it here. If you read my opening post I was more than polite and reasonable thank you very much.


Also, for about the ZILLIONTH time, I didn't ask for help from joe public, I required the bus driver to do his/her job and lower the floor to make my departure from from the bus safe. As it were, I did receive help from a man waiting to get on the bus, which was very kind of him. It's wonderful that some people do help others. I would always help somebody if I saw they were struggling because that's how I was raised, some of you I suspect, from reading your replies, weren't brought up so much as dragged up.


Try tipping the front wheels up and going down with the back wheels only, or going out backwards if there is room to turn round. Can help sometimes. Our school has steps everywhere, so to take a buggy in you had to work out how to do it or leave it outside to get pinched.

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  • 10 years later...

tbf there are far more pushchairs/prams than there are wheelchairs on buses,  maybe the driver was up and down lowering the ramp for both,  before you got on -  there are excellent drivers who keep to a code regarding access to the bus,  there are also drivers with a bad attitude  who inflict themselves on the public.


Sorry just noticed when this thread was posted,  all her children will be at school by  now thank goodness,  perhaps some bright spark will invent a ramp which comes down automatically.

Edited by cressida
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22 minutes ago, cressida said:

tbf there are far more pushchairs/prams than there are wheelchairs on buses,  maybe the driver was up and down lowering the ramp for both,  before you got on -  there are excellent drivers who keep to a code regarding access to the bus,  there are also drivers with a bad attitude  who inflict themselves on the public.


Sorry just noticed when this thread was posted,  all her children will be at school by  now thank goodness,  perhaps some bright spark will invent a ramp which comes down automatically.

Sometimes it's not a case that the drive won't lower the bus. Sometimes it's not possible as the bus will not let them. Modern buses are jam packed with sensors. Some will detect the bus's current height and determine that lowering will cause contact with the ground.  As with all things electronic sensors they go awry and misreport causing the system to deny lowering.  As the ramp is manually deployed by the driver, if this happens it's a 'fix it at end of service as the kneel isn't critical to operation. 

An automated ramp would be completely and utterly reliant on sensor systems & would be out of service the moment one fails. 

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One some buses take time to lower, as we get to the stop alot of people have there nose pressed to the door in desperation to get off, well the lowering of the platform only starts once the bus is fully stopped doors fully open and the sensors are happy the Holding brake is on, So i get to the Stop open the Door hold the lower floor button and by the time the bus has decided to lower its self the pram is half off now if the back wheels of the pram drop between the curb and the bus the lowering of the bus can cut the rear wheels of the pram,

Another Reason the bus wont lower enough, some just dont lower that much, Also cars parking in bus stops cause alot of issues and as one caring car driver said to me once as i tried getting a wheel chair off when he was parked in the bus stop "its not may fault she is a Vegetable" but hay ho i am the arrogant one.... There are to many people that want baby sitting when it comes to buses but then also have the attitude of "You Cant tell me what to do!"

I said in other post about buses on SF, The public want more and cheaper but you are about to get another Cut possibly soon due to Staff shortages and the staff are leaving due to the coampies and the public i have done 15 years and this is the worse the public has been in my time and i was so close to been lucky enoghth to leave but situation changed,

I normally say to people that ask should i apply to be a bus driver "NO don't do it not worth it, you work long unsociable hours/days/weeks been abused for the privilege of it all on not amazing pay for all this, not good for anyone's mantel health" but my advice to anyone that moans about buses on here, PLEASE come and join you will be Shocked at what really happens and y things are the way they are, but you wont and some cant,

Sorry had to vent  your Local (arrogant pig) Bus Driver....

On 27/01/2012 at 23:26, the wrights said:

pig ignorent

sorry pig ignorent, not arrogant pig... to the public of sheffield keep abusing staff, staff will leave and then that bus that memeber of staff was driving well he isnt anymore and that bus is now missing sat in the yard,


On 27/01/2012 at 23:58, the wrights said:

ive always asked the driver to lower the bus but its like talking to a brick wall


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On 21/03/2022 at 17:37, harvey19 said:

In the 1970/80s most parents had buggies to transport their children in.

These buggies were folded up before getting on the bus.

True, my mum used to have me on reins, be juggling my younger sister, a  folded pushchair and shopping.

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On 26/03/2022 at 17:30, foxydebs said:

True, my mum used to have me on reins, be juggling my younger sister, a  folded pushchair and shopping.

Yes mine too! I wouldn’t say go back to those days but there are some massive prams around now

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