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Getting on/off a bus with a pram

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Guest busdriver1
They're for wheelchairs AND buggies......otherwise they wouldn't have a 'buggy-zone'. Not sure about the ramp but the driver has to lower the step for you, although in my experience you sometimes have to remind them to!


The biggy zone is a bit of a funny one as under the road traffic act passengers are stil required to fold all buggies. The bus will only be lowered if a passenger requests it to be so.


I had a passenger a while ago who puts out her hand and when i stopped she just stared at me. There was no gap and the height difference was about 1 inch. As I am not telepathic i just drove off assuming she had realised it was not her bus or something similar. On returning to the depot, complaint I refused to lower the bus abd she could not get on. Thank god for cctv

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mock all you like we have rights to use any transport with a buggie when the bus is high up and the bus is parked away from the kerb its going to be hard for us mums to get on the bus ive always asked the driver to lower the bus but its like talking to a brick wall


How do you think other people went on when there wasnt such things as ramps and buses with the ability to be lowered, they managed. Ive also seen these teen age mothers let little children go upstairs on the bus by themselves and if they fall down stairs whos fault will it be? certainly not the Drivers. Ive seen children in prams at the age of three or four who are keen and able to walk but no they are put in prams BUT ive also seen young Mums? walking with children and the poor kids are lagging behind and thev Mum? is busy texting on her phone. Children should be led by the hand

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How do you think other people went on when there wasnt such things as ramps and buses with the ability to be lowered, they managed. Ive also seen these teen age mothers let little children go upstairs on the bus by themselves and if they fall down stairs whos fault will it be? certainly not the Drivers. Ive seen children in prams at the age of three or four who are keen and able to walk but no they are put in prams BUT ive also seen young Mums? walking with children and the poor kids are lagging behind and thev Mum? is busy texting on her phone. Children should be led by the hand


This thread isn't about what USED to happen- there are low floor buses- they should be used appropriately. You could go on all day about what USED to happen on many subjects. It's irrelevant.


Also, you're rambling on about a whole host of other topics.... I assume these 'kids' we are talking about are all babies or toddlers that need to be in a pram. Even if not, if I had a child in a pram that COULD walk but still wasn't 'too big' for a pram (ie not walking long distances or at the age where they like to run off all over)- I would much rather my child be IN the pram when getting off a bus, than be faffing with a pram and letting my young child be at risk of running into the road or being trampled on by people getting on anf off the bus.

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We must be lucky here then because our drivers "kneel" the buses for us even without prams and wheelchairs..whether we can get past the bit where they park them up is another matter though. Best things I ever had when mine were small incidently were reins and a hip carrier.

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This thread isn't about what USED to happen- there are low floor buses- they should be used appropriately. You could go on all day about what USED to happen on many subjects. It's irrelevant.


Also, you're rambling on about a whole host of other topics.... I assume these 'kids' we are talking about are all babies or toddlers that need to be in a pram. Even if not, if I had a child in a pram that COULD walk but still wasn't 'too big' for a pram (ie not walking long distances or at the age where they like to run off all over)- I would much rather my child be IN the pram when getting off a bus, than be faffing with a pram and letting my young child be at risk of running into the road or being trampled on by people getting on anf off the bus.


If your children want to 'run all over' I suggest that you learn to control them and/or get reigns.

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wheelchair users trump mums everytime.


Re your bold; I can honestly say that I trump real invisible trumps. I have NEVER trumped a mum before, and I expect it may be quite difficult to do so, unless I had consumed several mums the night before.:gag::gag:

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You've mentioned this before.... with all due respect.... so what? We HAD to cope then... now, why bother with the hassle if you don't HAVE to?!?!?!?


True. If something is there to make life easier, then I'm all for it. If pram-friendly buses were around 40 years ago, I'll bet the same people who are posting the 'well we had to cope' messages now would be saying exactly the same about inconsiderate drivers (and their attitute to parents with buggies).

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