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Getting on/off a bus with a pram

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This thread isn't about what USED to happen- there are low floor buses- they should be used appropriately. You could go on all day about what USED to happen on many subjects. It's irrelevant.


Also, you're rambling on about a whole host of other topics.... I assume these 'kids' we are talking about are all babies or toddlers that need to be in a pram. Even if not, if I had a child in a pram that COULD walk but still wasn't 'too big' for a pram (ie not walking long distances or at the age where they like to run off all over)- I would much rather my child be IN the pram when getting off a bus, than be faffing with a pram and letting my young child be at risk of running into the road or being trampled on by people getting on anf off the bus.


Lots can be learned of what USED to happen, Ive never heard of a child being trampled by pedestrians and no the children in the pram were big enough and old enough to walk. In short learn to handle the pram.

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i'm not ordinarily a bus driver hater at all; i actually think they do a very admirable job considering how much they deal with the public and it can't be easy in the least but in this instance i was annoyed and a bit shocked by the complete lack of common courtesy. I remember when my nanna looked after us and she had my brother in the pram and had to fold it all up and if I was on my own I simply cpuldn't do that whilst holding a nine month old and controlling a two year old. More often than not I wear my youngest and just have the pram as a single, so I think I should probably make sure this is always the case when I'm using the bus. Hopefully not for much longer because I'm taking my driving test soon so fingers crossed I'll pass :)


But this is what we did in the 70s, all the time, with a baby, a toddler and a push chair, and not just me, but all Mums who wanted to go anywhere with their kids. You would see them all the time on the buses

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WHO CARES what someone 2 decades ago did.. times move on. I bet your mother would have appreciated the use of buses with space for pushchairs (when a wheelchair doesn't need the space), and I also bet she would have appreciated the use of low floor buses had they been around, more so with two babies/toddlers and a double buggy.


and you should care what someone did 2 decades ago, these people are your forebears, your parents, aunts and uncles

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Guest busdriver1

The point that I was making above, which busdriver 1 was digging at me, over, is that sometimes the mechanism fails, and that the kneeling facility can't be operated. Whether it's Pneumatics, Hydraulics or bloomin' symptomatics, ;) if the bus isn't low enough, relative to the kerb, it's difficult to get the chair on or off.



Use the correct terminology then and you will noy look so daft. :huh:

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Guest busdriver1
Rachgee, the buses are only permitted to allow mobility scootas to board if they are under certain dimensions ( I can't quote chapter and verse on the sizes), and with a turning circle of less than 1200 cm. That is, generally, the smaller, "Boot Scootas" (the ones which fold up like a suitcase, and will fit in the boot of your car).




There is a standard, which drivers are expected to comply with, as laid out in the bus companies' regulations. You may still find the odd one or two drivers who are laws unto themselves, though...


Drivers deploy the ramp if requested to do so, physic transmission does not count as asking though. Some cases are self explanatory. I have been abused for trying to put the ramp out as well so now wait till asked.

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But this is what we did in the 70s, all the time, with a baby, a toddler and a push chair, and not just me, but all Mums who wanted to go anywhere with their kids. You would see them all the time on the buses


But that was then this is now and they have the capabilities to lower the floor to make the bus more accessible for people like me so I actually think its just laziness that they won't. However, I may have some fun one day and get on a bus that requires me to dismantle my pram; I can guarantee the re would be a lot more whinging from others then because I have to take one child out, take one seat unit off, take the double adaptors off then take the second child out and the other seat unit and then fold the frame down. Takes about ten mind whilst trying to control my excited toddler who is virtually giddy at the prospect of a bus ride. I don't think people would be thanking me for extending their journey time all the more. Also I'm sick of reading on this thread about how women should be able to manage and shouldnt expect any special treatment - did I ever say I did? I just expect what is offered as part of the customer service of the bus company. It's also nice to see so many people in Sheffield would rather see somebody struggle just out of what? spite? I hope you never find yourselves in a similar situation. My children were in that pram, if their safety is compromised and you find that something to make silly, flippant jokes about and tell me I should be able to control a pram better then I pity you and can only summise that you don't have anyone in your life that you care about enough and that cares about you to make you want to have a rant when they're put in a dangerous situation.

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If the driver sees the pushchair as an inconvenience then he/she can ask the owner to fold it. And my original comment is not "rubbish", the buses are DDA compliant and have ramps for WHEELCHAIRS to use and not PUSHCHAIRS. The wheelchair bays have a backrest and that is what they are for. If they haven't got a backrest then they are for pushchairs or just normal seating. If there are no wheelchairs wishing to board and the bus is not too full then no, I there is no reason why the pushchair cannot use the wheelchair bay. Go back 10 years or so and look at what people did to puschairs...

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I don't think anyone is suggesting that prams should be given the same treatment as wheelchair users; most parents know that wheelchairs have priority on a bus, and so will move and fold up a pram. Most parents also know that the ramp is for wheelchair users, but I think its the 'kneeling' function of a bus that is being discussed. I know its mainly there for disabled people, but I'm sure it can also be used for prams, and indeed for the elderly, toddlers etc. should they have trouble. Its common courtesy.

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I will be sat on the back of the bus and watch people just sit there in the buggy bays looking at people with a pram as if to say yeah and what.

If you ever wanted an example of ignorance just watch how tough it can be for some of these mothers getting on and off the buses with these sorts, this really gets my back up.

Some of the general public are just totally ignorant and think they are better than everyone else, arrogant sods.

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