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Something to do in sheffield tonight thats not a meal or a drink


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i agree there is a bit of a gap - maybe some enterprising person can fill it (perhaps not in the middle of a recession though!).

Not sure what I'd like to go to in an evening but I'd like an alternative to the pub, especially if i'm driving and have to buy expensive orange juice that i am only drinking for the sake of it. That said i had a very nice evening, i only wish I had seen that bloke from thingy while i was out, but sadly not.


hope you had a good night anyway - even minus the presence of that bloke from thingy (who I thought lived in Paris?)

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Spiritualist church not my thing, but thanks for the invite anyway. Just going to the pub in the end. Atleast i tried to do something different!


Getting desperate? OP wants somewhere to chat with friend and have glass of wine - neither of which you seem to offer so why post on this thread. Start your own:roll:

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