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What went wrong with the metric system in the UK?

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Last night I was in a pub contemplating a pint that had cost £2.90 and wondering how much cheaper it would be in a supermarket. The problem is I don't know because supermarkets sell beer in about 20 different measures but a pint is rarely one of them. Yet 40 years ago we had a great system where beer was only sold in pints halves and nips.


Similarly I wonder about how much petrol I need to stick in my car to do a 100 mile journey. It should be simple because the car does 24mpg. Unfortunately I have to buy petrol in litres and I haven't a clue how to work it out.


The whole system is a disaster. You can't even compare theprice of beans in supermarkets because they are packed in 410 grams 420 grams or425 grams. WHY?


What was wrong with eggs costing 3d each so they were 3 bob a dozen. A pint at half a crown meant a skin full cost a quid.


What a shame they cocked it all up.


Thy buy a pint and they try fob you off wi half litre, thy buy an 8th and they fob thee off wit 3.0g.


Some of the drug dealing youth are mathematically wise but shady. An 11 year old should able to convert a cwt to grams or oz instantaneously in their head if thy ask me. Our maths education is not educating our kids!

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I don't see how population numbers is relevant as an argument 3million?20million?


It makes a difference as to the cost of conversion, but not as to which system is the better one. Nobody has ever been able to argue that Imperial measures have any advantage whatsoever over metric ones.


If the men who created the metric system had been any nationality other than French, we would have converted three centuries ago. The only reason we didn't is because anything coming out of France was automatically considered to be a bad thing.

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If the men who created the metric system had been any nationality other than French, we would have converted three centuries ago. The only reason we didn't is because anything coming out of France was automatically considered to be a bad thing.


Except for Brigitte Bardot... and Camembert.

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Im a bit stuck in the past myself I can visualize a gallon in my head but a liter means nothing to me, I know its 4.6 to a gallon but still it does not register,the metric system is a lot easier to work out as it is based on ten I must admit, but things sold in our old measurements seem to be better value for money, a pint of beer a pint of milk a gallon of petrol a lb of potatoes just sounds better,I was watching an episode of the professionals on the telly the other day and there was a petrol station in the back ground and it said on the board 4 star £1.05 I thought its not gone up much petrol since those day then I realized it was sold in gallons in those days

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I though it was "A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter", which is fairly accurate.


Not as accurate as "one liter of water has a mass of 1 kilogram" though.


A gallon of water weighs around ten pounds (remember that from having Aquaria years ago!!)



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