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What do people pay for photos?

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Most professional photographers allow free personal use of their photographs on social media on the condition that their copyright mark isn't cropped out of the image. Any publicity use is negotiated on an individual basis depending on what is required.

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Any thoughts on what a professional photographers charge that allow you to use one of their copyright photos on Facebook, Websites, or in publicity? Need to know ASAP!!! Thanks.


I would have thought you should ask for a fiver. They will refuse and then remove the photo and you can all get on with your lives. As an alternative take twiglets advice and ask for an acknowledgement and a free advert.

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Do you have any idea of a starting price to neg. around.



it would depend on what type of publication/market you're aiming it at if its advertising/promotion I'd charge, if its for personal use or they are in the picture then normally I'd do t as a freebie.


Also if you're doing liences and they are for a set period of time, make sure you add this to your invoice and the price for reuse if they go beyond the agree lience.


I shot this on a one year web/print £275, back in 2007, 4 yrs on they're still using it.




Really does depend on your market and who's buying

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Do you have any idea of a starting price to neg. around.


What for, publicity use? As I already said, social media use of photos that you make available for preview on your website is normally offered free as long as your logo isn't cropped out.


Publicity use usually depends on: How many copies will be distributed, the size the image will be printed, where it is printed (i.e. on a front cover or internal pages). They'll also depend on your overheads from taking the photographs. It's impossible to come up with a starting price without taking into account all of those factors.

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