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My Opinion Of Religion!!

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Religion has a lot of good in it but because some human beings have used it to manipulate and cause wars and divisions people have turned away from it, well that's their choice and if that's what they decide then fine, I don't believe in forcing views on others and I wouldn't like it done to me, but we are living in a more enlightened age than our predecessors and perhaps there is an even more enlightened age to come

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I am not going to defend the fact that I am a Christian.....but I will defend my right to hold my beliefs. We are all given free will and therefore we can choose what to believe in be it God, buddha, or little green men from outer space.

I have always acknowledged that there have been many wrongs perpetrated in this world in the name of religion but I question whether the perpetrators were in fact doing it for their own ends but thought saying it was in the name of God gave them an excuse.

The Bible, the Koran, the Torah are all books written generations ago and open to interpretation in different ways and different groups within a religion will define its rules in different ways. A Catholic will interpret the words of the Bible differently to a Methodist who in turn will interpret it differently to a Jehovahs Witness.


That’s an interesting theory, a Christian with free will.

There are two possibilities,

1. You have free will but the God you believe in doesn’t exist.

2. The God you believe in exists but you don’t have free will.

A God that is all knowing will know what you are going to do, your destiny is predetermined, this removes any possibility that you have free will, you can only follow the path that is pre determined by God.

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I believe religion has killed more people in this world than anything else...




Man not following the teachings of his religion has killed so many. And the same could be said for atheists like Stalin and Pol Pot.

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Opinions are like backsides. Everybody has one. If religious belief brings comfort to some in life's travails then it's a force for good. Their good.


Harking back to religion's shortcomings in history is largely irrelevent as to how religion plays a role in peoples lives today

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Opinions are like backsides. Everybody has one. If religious belief brings comfort to some in life's travails then it's a force for good. Their good.


Harking back to religion's shortcomings in history is largely irrelevent as to how religion plays a role in peoples lives today



Why can't anyone in the U.S. run for president without being overtly religious?

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That’s an interesting theory, a Christian with free will.

There are two possibilities,

1. You have free will but the God you believe in doesn’t exist.

2. The God you believe in exists but you don’t have free will.

A God that is all knowing will know what you are going to do, your destiny is predetermined, this removes any possibility that you have free will, you can only follow the path that is pre determined by God.


An interesting concept, to apply flawed logic to support a position of an absence of a belief. Doesn't make you right.


Of course there's a third option. God gives me the free will to believe in him but he still exists whether I believe it or not. He gives me the free will to choose my path but he's there whatever choice I make. He gives me the free will to do good or bad things but will point out the errors.

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An interesting concept, to apply flawed logic to support a position of an absence of a belief. Doesn't make you right.


Of course there's a third option. God gives me the free will to believe in him but he still exists whether I believe it or not. He gives me the free will to choose my path but he's there whatever choice I make. He gives me the free will to do good or bad things but will point out the errors.


Well said :)

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An interesting concept, to apply flawed logic to support a position of an absence of a belief. Doesn't make you right.


Of course there's a third option. God gives me the free will to believe in him but he still exists whether I believe it or not. He gives me the free will to choose my path but he's there whatever choice I make. He gives me the free will to do good or bad things but will point out the errors.


According to the bible God made everything and knows everything, therefore when God made you, God knew what you was going to do, God knows every insignificant detail of your life, you cannot change your path because if you do then God would be wrong. If God made you and knows everything then you don't have free will.


How can you be free to choose when God already knows what you will choose? You can only choose the path that God already knows.

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