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My Opinion Of Religion!!

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If God knows the choices you make before you make them, then those choices are the only choices you can make, choosing something else would mean God was wrong.


There is no 'something else' in the scenario you suggest. You make a choice out of all the many possibilities. It's freely taken.


God is aware of all those possibilities and also aware which one you will take with no influence on that chioce.


What's so hard to understand? God allows people to make bad choices even knowing that they will have adverse consequences. It doesn't mean that he's directing your every move.

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An all knowing God would have known that Raoul Moat was going to kill people before Raoul moat was born, the people that were shot and Raoul Moat had no choice in the matter because it was predetermined. God new it would happen and nothing could change it, because then God would have been wrong.

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There is no 'something else' in the scenario you suggest. You make a choice out of all the many possibilities. It's freely taken.


God is aware of all those possibilities and also aware which one you will take with no influence on that chioce.


What's so hard to understand? God allows people to make bad choices even knowing that they will have adverse consequences. It doesn't mean that he's directing your every move.


And despite all that you have no choice but to make the choice God new you would make.

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If God is omnipotenent and all knowing allowing you genuine free will and yet knowing which choices you freely take before you do so is not all difficult.


I do find it quite amusing that you seem to deciding what god can and can't do - he can do what he likes, if he's god, isn't it though?


With a result of what? Its all well talking about genuine free will as though this was some sort of great gift, but the reality is if you use that free will and chose not to believe you'll be penetrated with a rusty boat hook for the rest of eternity, and some.

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An all knowing God knew that like every one of us Raoul Moat had choices to make.....he chose the course he took not God.

And now I am going to bed because I have 3 grandchildren staying who will be up at the crack of dawn


It was the choice that he had to make, how did he have a choice if God knew he would do it before he was born.

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An all knowing God knew that like every one of us Raoul Moat had choices to make.....he chose the course he took not God.


I still don't understand where god sits in the Raoul Moat equation.


If god can't influence people's decisions, what's the point of having a god?


This is a ridiculous point of view.


Perhaps, dare I say it, Raoul Moat was listening to his god?

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Are all the pointless small paths we take predetermined and known or just the important ones like being born , right path, wrong path bad path good path and death :-D

Enough for me toilet then bed..... But of course those paths may have been predetermined ?


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