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Wincobank rapist sentenced

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A plane ticket back home to his own jail system a lot cheaper.


Why would the Czech Republic pay to keep him in their prisons, he's committed a crime here. Throw him in prison for the rest of his life I say, I have no problem with some of my tax money being spent making sure scum like him never walk the streets again.

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Great , other countries convicted killer scum free to carry out same acts on our street. Glad he's locked up non the less.


Are people who have served sentences for serious offences in the UK forbidden to leave the country? Are there no British 'killer scum' free to carry out the same acts on foreign streets? (Or on British streets, for that matter.)


How would you go about tightening up the control on the whereabouts of people?


I've no doubt that the Border Agency do have a list of 'known scum' but it seems (this case is an example) that the list is incomplete and some people do slip through the net.


Should all countries be required to provide the UKBA with full details of all convicted persons?


The UK would of course have to provide details of all convictions to all foreign governments in return. - Would you care if your details were made available to all governments everywhere?


Should the UK have a complete computerised database showing exactly who is in the country at any time? You would need some sort of ID card and registration system to make that work. Would that be acceptable to the average Briton (let alone the average illegal immigrant)? There were numerous complaints when microchipped passports were introduced; would there be many complaints if those passports stored full details of the holder's records?


There has to be a compromise between 'security' and 'privacy'. It's up to the people to decide where the line is drawn, but it's the same line for everybody who wishes to cross it. If you make it extremely difficult for criminals to enter or leave the country, by requiring them to provide a great deal of information, you'll have to make it extremely difficult for everybody else to do so.


When I enter the US, I have to produce not only my passport, but also my 'Resident Alien' card - and I have to put my finger on a fingerprint scanner. The Feds have my details (which might include my criminal record - if I had one) on a computer file. I don't consider that to be 'a gross invasion of privacy' but I'm well aware that a lot of other people would consider being on such a database to be an invasion of privacy.


I'm glad this rapist has been caught - and I too hope he stays in jail for a very long time.

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Why would the Czech Republic pay to keep him in their prisons, he's committed a crime here. Throw him in prison for the rest of his life I say, I have no problem with some of my tax money being spent making sure scum like him never walk the streets again.


Its also unfortunate that you are paying some of your taxes for other scum like this to be shipped in to walk the streets.

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