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Wincobank rapist sentenced

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What I, and I'm sure most of his victims and their families are concerned about is not his nationality per se but the fact that his being a foreign national allowed him to commit these crimes undetected.


He was detected and he was convicted, too. - Had the UKBA been aware of his record (and had the government exercised their right under EU law to deny entry to those EU nationals who are deemed likely to be a risk to the public) then he could have been denied entry. There's little doubt that would have been a good thing.


If he was British criminal he would have been on life licence for murder, his lifestyle and movements monitored by the probation service and authorities and he would have had to sign the sex offenders register and would probably have had conditions attached to his licence to prevent travelling abroad. If sex crimes like this had happened in the neighbourhood where he lived the authorities would have known he was there and he would have been picked up after the first attack and probably caught due to forensics.


"[A] licence, issued under Article 17 of the 2008 Order provides that whilst on licence the applicant must comply with various conditions as determined under Article 24(3) of the Order and the 2009 Rules which include keeping in touch with the probation officer, permanently residing at an address approved by probation, no travel outside the UK without prior permission, not behaving in a way that undermined the purposes of release on licence and not committing any further offences."


That may be the plan, but I wonder how well it works? Offenders released on licence may be notified of the terms of that licence, but I wonder how many simply ignore them and either move elsewhere in the country or go abroad? The laws exist, but how are they enforced?


Some years ago I encountered an Englishman who had committed armed robbery in Germany, been caught, convicted and sentenced (a fairly hefty sentence, too.) He had been repatriated to the UK (at his own request) to serve the sentence there. He was a very dangerous man. (Most people with ling sentences in the UK work their way down through the system, going from Higher security to Lower security prisons. - This man went the other way!)


He was eventually released on licence. If somebody was supposed to be keeping track of him, somebody didn't do a very good job, because 2 months after release he was back in Germany (in the same area as he had lived before) and he committed an almost identical crime. (Different bank, though ;))


German law requires all persons to register their address. (If you go there on holiday, the hotel/guest house will do it for you. ;)) The law is enforced.


It took the German Police 2 hours to pick him up.


I understand that the judge told him that because he hadn't learnt his lesson on the previous occasion, he was going to get an exemplarily long sentence this time - and he would also serve the unserved part of his previous sentence. He'll be off the streets for many years and no doubt once he's released he will be deported to the UK. (The German taxpayers aren't going to pay his pension.)


Because he was a foreign cirminal and presumably the Czech system isn't as harsh or efficient as ours he was allowed to enter the country and live as though he had done nothing worse than the odd bit of littering and commit not just one but four rapes.


I've no idea what the Czech system for tracking offenders is. We've been told he had been convicted of murder and 'served jail time for sexually assaulting a woman while threatening her with an axe'. - The Star didn't publish the details, but that's both are very serious offences, (serious enough to warrant keeping an eye on the offender.)


Some Police Forces publish statistics relating to Sex offenders (and other serious offenders.)


Here's the Response to an FOI request submitted to SYP dated 13 Dec 2011:


"The 5 registered sex offenders currently recorded as wanted/missing have been so for 5 months, 29 months, 19 months, 6 months and 2 months. Of the 5; one was alleged to have committed rape, three were alleged to have committed sexual assault on a female and one was alleged to have committed indecent exposure. two are believed to be abroad."


This article is somewhat dated, but: "Police insisted today they are doing all they can to monitor sex offenders as it was revealed more than 300 are missing in the UK."


An organisation called MAPPA is responsible for tracking sexual and violent offenders Here's a link to the S. Yorks MAPPA report.


... personally I find this worrying, and if these type of people are coming in from other EU countries it does make you wonder if we should be accepting any people from these countries at all until a system is in place to ensure it's not allowing convicted repeat offenders carte blanche to come here and start afresh with their attacks.


I'm sure if it was the other way around and we were sending off murderers and convicted rapists to third world to get a bit rapey the same people moaning on this thread would be up in arms, but that's different I suppose because they put a much higher premium on the value and safety of people who aren't British. So of course that would be MUCH more important.


'Crime committed by foreigners' is not a one-way street. In 2007, the Beeb published this article.


Acpo spokesman, Paul Kernaghan, told MPs that until his association took over the job of updating criminal records last year, offences committed overseas were not being entered into the Police National Computer.


Instead, information on convictions was left "sitting in desk files" at the Home Office rather than being properly examined.


This would not be known to the British courts when criminals re-offended in Britain and an apparently clear record would affect sentencing, said Mr Kernaghan.


How many criminals are involved?


In total, details of 27,529 cases were left in files at the Home Office, according to Acpo.


Of those, some 540 British criminals have been identified as being convicted abroad of the most serious offences.


The cases involved included:


25 rapes

3 attempted rapes

29 paedophiles

17 other sex offenders

5 murders

9 attempted murders

13 manslaughter convictions

29 robberies


Hopefully things have improved, but if the police don't even know how many (and who) of our own citizens are committing crimes overseas, how are they going to know how many foreign criminals come into the UK?


I doubt anybody will ever introduce a perfect system, but perhaps all countries should provide all other countries with the details of those who have committed sex crimes, violent crimes or perhaps even any crime which might attract a prison sentence of, say, 5 years or more?

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Hopefully things have improved, but if the police don't even know how many (and who) of our own citizens are committing crimes overseas, how are they going to know how many foreign criminals come into the UK?

Well that's a good point but we know how many we have had to put in our prisons and if only a percentage of criminals get caught you cannot help but show concern and want to have something done about it.


I'm sure a clever bloke like you will dig some statistics up for us to show how many foreign nationals are now housed in our prison system, how many are violent offences and how many get deported back ect.


I'm not sure you'll put MY mind at rest or be able to show ME that MY concerns are unfounded given that I know personally that the make up of our prison population has changed dramatically over a very short space of time.

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Well that's a good point but we know how many we have had to put in our prisons and if only a percentage of criminals get caught you cannot help but show concern and want to have something done about it.


I'm sure a clever bloke like you will dig some statistics up for us to show how many foreign nationals are now housed in our prison system, how many are violent offences and how many get deported back ect.


I'm not sure you'll put anyone's minds at rest or be able to show us that our concerns are unfounded given that I know personally that the make up of our prison population has changed dramatically over a very short space of time.


Or in other words, let's ignore the facts and try and whip up hysteria about foreign criminals.

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