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Good old Labour

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Another spot on answer. How the hell can this go on? Its clear that there arent many jobs about, but there ARE jobs out there to be had. The problem is how much they pay per hour. A lot seem to think they are better off on the dole. Well the only answer to that is to REDUCE the benefits payments, then there is no problem. It will help bring down the defecit AND get people back to work.


how about the alternative of increasing wages?

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Too many layabouts in this country who expect the taxpayers to keep them. I was shocked to learn that these work shy scroungers get up to £26,000 pa. Makes my blood boil. I feel sorry for the genuine families out there on minimum wage who would love to get £26,000 for the work they do. Trouble is there are too many loopholes and too many people who have learned how to exploit them, which in turn benefits their lazy lifestyle. Amen... Rant over.

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What a great post. When I heard about this the other day, I could have screamed. It seems that the human rights brigade thinks that its wrong to expect families on benefits to move house because their reduced benefits wont cover the cost of their rents.


not sure why you mention human rights brigade here as it's nothing to with them even if there was such a thing.


the issue you do raise is quite valid however you dont seem to have considered the outcome of this, which is that if people cannot afford a particular level of rent they have two choices:


a) become homeless and be housed by the local council which would cost far more than would ever be saved by cutting their benefits




b) try and find an area with cheaper rent, which is going to be quite hard to do because all rents are very high everywhere and even if you can find a low rent area the influx of people will tend to drive rents up. the best you will do is create a ghetto which will make the sink estates of the 80s and 90s look like heaven. the worst simply doesn't bear thinking about


this is probably the only thing boris johnson has ever been right about.




the people you are wanting to punish are not responsible for their state, they have had almost no way out of their situation and have definitly had no real help.


the people who should be punished is every politician over the last 30 years because this is their fault

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how about the alternative of increasing wages?


In an ideal world, increasing wages would be great if EVERYBODY went out to work, which as we all know with the amount given out in benefit payments, is just not gonna happen. I would think that being a working class citizen gives me the experience to say that I would rather work to support my family, after all it was me and the wife who brought them into the world. Why on earth should I be entitled to claim benefits that you pay for in your taxes, when im more than capable of working for my own money? Its clear and simple that these people know they are better off on the dole because it PAYS more. The fact that they are able to work does not matter to them. If the benefits payments were reduced to FORCE people to work, then there is no doubt that the country would be better off. I am aware this seems a bit harsh, but I dont think its harsh when I get up at 5am every morning to go to work, knowing that a percentage of my taxes is paying for Mr and Mrs Chav Smith and their brood of kids to get up at dinner time to get up and watch Jeremy Kyle on Sky+.

Of course this cant apply to the disabled or mums whos hubbys have buggered off with a dollybird, but im talking about all those bums who choose benefits as a lifestyle choice.

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In an ideal world, increasing wages would be great if EVERYBODY went out to work, which as we all know with the amount given out in benefit payments, is just not gonna happen. I would think that being a working class citizen gives me the experience to say that I would rather work to support my family, after all it was me and the wife who brought them into the world. Why on earth should I be entitled to claim benefits that you pay for in your taxes, when im more than capable of working for my own money? Its clear and simple that these people know they are better off on the dole because it PAYS more. The fact that they are able to work does not matter to them. If the benefits payments were reduced to FORCE people to work, then there is no doubt that the country would be better off. I am aware this seems a bit harsh, but I dont think its harsh when I get up at 5am every morning to go to work, knowing that a percentage of my taxes is paying for Mr and Mrs Chav Smith and their brood of kids to get up at dinner time to get up and watch Jeremy Kyle on Sky+.

Of course this cant apply to the disabled or mums whos hubbys have buggered off with a dollybird, but im talking about all those bums who choose benefits as a lifestyle choice.

Well said......

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not sure why you mention human rights brigade here as it's nothing to with them even if there was such a thing.


Shami Chakrabarti, who I know is a human rights lawyer, came onto Radio 2 this week and said if this benefit cap went ahead, millions of children would drop into poverty because the family home rents would be too high. She went on to say that these families may have to move from more affluent areas to cheaper areas to affor the rent.

Im very sorry andy, but if I lost my job, I would have to do the same but would she say the same about my predicament, and claim MY human rights were being affected, and DEMAND my employer gave me my job back? Somehow, I dont think so.

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the people you are wanting to punish are not responsible for their state, they have had almost no way out of their situation and have definitly had no real help.


the people who should be punished is every politician over the last 30 years because this is their fault



Oh yes they are responsible for their state. Everyone in this country gets a free education albeit a pretty p**spoor one in Sheffield. Too many of them choose to make themselves unemployable by throwing it back in the tax payers faces.


Why am I paying for them to be educated only to see them waste it and then expect me to look after them and as many kids as they can knock out because they are unemployable? No. It's got to stop and stop now.


No Qualifications = No Benefits. End of story.


This whole gravy train of a tax payer funded dependancy has got to be ended. A whole public sector industry has been built up around helping the so called poor. Tax payers pay the poor and the people who are making a living keeping the poor in poverty and ignorance. Nobody does that better than Sheffield City Council's education system.

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Become an MP. Effect change from within.


Oh pur-lease! :rolleyes:


Charles Beaumont, an American writer, once said:


Attaining success in Hollywood is like climbing a gigantic mountain of cow flop, in order to pluck one perfect rose from the summit. And you find when you've made that hideous climb . . . you've lost the sense of smell.


That's basically what happens to any idealist who ties to "effect change from within".


Another writer, John Brunner, once said that the establishment just sits there "like a great, fat toad", exhausting the patience of those trying to change the system.




of course labour simply carried on with the same policies of the previous (thatcher inspired) conservative government, and they certainly ruined the country.

And the country was doing so well in the 1970s. :rolleyes:


Inflation at 25% (link)


Power cuts/Three day week


Endless strikes leading to the Winter of Discontent


The country was ruined long before 3 May 1979.

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