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Good old Labour

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When a working person has a baby they do not automatically get a pay rise to pay for it, so why should people on benefits?

Why should anyone expect to be paid for having a baby anyway. Your baby, your responsibility.


Doesn't a working person who has a baby gets child tax credits? Unless of course they are on a well above average income.

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Shami Chakrabarti...


No need to quote further. People like her and those weirdo, unelected church people will seek to stymie any Government proposal that doesn't suit their personal agenda - which is to get rich on the strength of being idiot do-gooders.



When a working person has a baby they do not automatically get a pay rise to pay for it, so why should people on benefits?

Why should anyone expect to be paid for having a baby anyway. Your baby, your responsibility.


Well, you'll never make a politician! :hihi:


Seriously, a major shift needs to be made to turn this vast and increasing problem around, and we know that any proposed change will be met by/howled down by people who think it will affect their little bubble.


How about this for radical? You get out of the system the pro-rata equivalent of what you've put in.


Immediate and predictable howls of protest?


'What about the young unemployed who haven't had the chance to pay anything in?'


Maybe it would concentrate their minds (and that of their parents) if they knew that learning nothing at school would result in not getting £60-odd quid spending money when they become a (further) burden on the state.


And by 'the system', I mean what has been paid into our system. Might just discourage a few million more from washing up on our shores.

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