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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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cyclist riding up a small, lengthy incline on a back road with cars parked on either side. I was forced to slow to a crawl, which in modern day cars is pretty difficult to maintain, 1-3mph.


Aww, you poor luv. It's so much easier for a cyclist to get up that big nasty hill than you in your poor ickle pappap.




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its not though is it. how many of these 1275 died of their own cause, how many of these cyclists died because they did not wear a helmet, how many died because they ignored the rules of the road?


Very few, as you'd know if you read the thread, because in most cyclist/vehicle collisions it is the DRIVER who is at fault. I think implying Miss Bowers was to blame for her appalling accident is rather sleazy and in poor taste. Helmets are plastic hats that prevent bumps from falls at around 4mph. Against HGVs they are as much use as a teabag.


16 cyclists killed in London last year, in only one incident could any blame be placed on the cyclist.

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yes it does and it happened last-night. cyclist riding up a small, lengthy incline on a back road with cars parked on either side. I was forced to slow to a crawl, which in modern day cars is pretty difficult to maintain, 1-3mph. The cyclists did however pull over, but not until they had passed numerous other places to stop. I however remained patient and passed when it was safe to do so.


but the point is, when cars are going slow or stationary, cyclists can pass with relative ease, but the reverse is not true on our ever crowded roads.


I'm guessing the time spent was probably equal to the time it took to write the post above.

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yes it does and it happened last-night. cyclist riding up a small, lengthy incline on a back road with cars parked on either side. I was forced to slow to a crawl, which in modern day cars is pretty difficult to maintain, 1-3mph. The cyclists did however pull over, but not until they had passed numerous other places to stop. I however remained patient and passed when it was safe to do so.


but the point is, when cars are going slow or stationary, cyclists can pass with relative ease, but the reverse is not true on our ever crowded roads.


So the cyclist labouring up the hill should have stopped for you? What was the big problem for you?


Let's assume that he should for a moment. He pulls over and lets you through.


He then re-mounts his bike and sets off again. Bearing in mind he's lost his momentum, so he may be little slower than before.


Hang on a minute. What's that? Oh, another car behind. Wait a minute, I'll just get off. Right, he's gone, I can carry on.


Damn! There's another one.


But at least the rider can rest easy, knowing he's saved the driver the effort of moving his ankle an inch...


The irony is that the initial problem, ie narrow road, was caused by cars.

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yes it does and it happened last-night. cyclist riding up a small, lengthy incline on a back road with cars parked on either side. I was forced to slow to a crawl, which in modern day cars is pretty difficult to maintain, 1-3mph. The cyclists did however pull over, but not until they had passed numerous other places to stop. I however remained patient and passed when it was safe to do so.


but the point is, when cars are going slow or stationary, cyclists can pass with relative ease, but the reverse is not true on our ever crowded roads.


You could also indulge us all by highlighting which road it was.



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its not though is it. how many of these 1275 died of their own cause, how many of these cyclists died because they did not wear a helmet, how many died because they ignored the rules of the road?


The answers are three, seventeen and twelve.How many were attributable to drivers-978!

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Aww, you poor luv. It's so much easier for a cyclist to get up that big nasty hill than you in your poor ickle pappap.





i'll ignore the condescending tone as its the norm for cyclists it would seem. I didn't say it was a problem, I actually said I waited patiently and I didn't complain.

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