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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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but cyclists are required by law to wear one while riding on the highways. unless you are some kind of special needs person, I doubt you are required to wear a helmet at your keyboard.


Hahahahahaha :hihi:


Is this why you think 50% of cyclists are breaking the law.

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i think this thread is a good example of how cycle nazis think and how quickly they will close ranks and start belittling anyone who dares question their narrow minded opinion.


I do not have a problem with all cyclists, just urban cyclists who think they can flout the rules of the road one second and then bitch and complain about car drivers infractions moments later.


You seem to have all sorts of problems, they probably mostly stem from ignorance and/or impatience.


The thing that amuses me is when someone starts talking about cycle nazis and closing ranks is that I drive far more often than I cycle. In fact it's been months since I've been on my bike.

Maybe you should try it though, then you'll be in a better position to comment!

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Reading through this lot I see many things that need clarity. Some thoughts are absurd if not dangerous.


People really need to think, am I safe to drive on a public road with youngsters, families, parents and workers at risk from my lack of consideration?

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i think this thread is a good example of how cycle nazis think and how quickly they will close ranks and start belittling anyone who dares question their narrow minded opinion


So posting a link to an official government report makes you into a cycle Nazi now?


I'm an owner of 3 cars, have held a driving licence since 1981 & I travel many more miles by car than I cycle.


I just happen to cycle to work as its the only sensible option for my own journey.

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i think this thread is a good example of how cycle nazis think and how quickly they will close ranks and start belittling anyone who dares question their narrow minded opinion.


I do not have a problem with all cyclists, just urban cyclists who think they can flout the rules of the road one second and then bitch and complain about car drivers infractions moments later.



Cycle Nazis??? here's a selection of anti-cyclist feeling so far



the road hogging halfwits


cyclists cannot afford proper transport as they are on the dole


Mr peddle power can do what he wants for me, because if they ride like donkeys, then they ask for all they get. No sympathy from this camp! :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


I like cyclists , especially when they fall off and scuff their knees , or when the heavens open up and it rains very heavily


Cyclists should not be on the road. :)


Our sources are mostly independent reviews and studies. Can you show us an independant review that shows us we are wrong? Closing ranks? I think you'll find that it feels that way because your views are indefensible and in many cases just plain wrong. As an example...


but cyclists are required by law to wear one while riding on the highways. unless you are some kind of special needs person, I doubt you are required to wear a helmet at your keyboard.


There is no law in the UK that requires a cyclist to wear a helmet. Of course you are entitled to your opinion and may state them on here and expect a backlash. You are not, however, entitled to your own set of facts.

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There is no law in the UK that requires a cyclist to wear a helmet. Of course you are entitled to your opinion and may state them on here and expect a backlash. You are not, however, entitled to your own set of facts.


sorry I was referring to memory about the highway code. Its only says you should wear a helmet, not that you must wear one. Still pretty clear though.

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So posting a link to an official government report makes you into a cycle Nazi now?


No, I was not referring to myself, but to the usual response you get from cyclists


I'm an owner of 3 cars, have held a driving licence since 1981 & I travel many more miles by car than I cycle.


I just happen to cycle to work as its the only sensible option for my own journey.


I didn't say all cyclists are bad, just that in my experience approx 50% of them are breaking the law in one way or another.


As a pedestrian I have had to dodge cyclists on crossings when they ignore the lights, I have had to jump out of their ways on the foot paths before and I see on almost a daily basis, while driving through Sheffield, cyclists going through red lights. I have even had a discussion with one cyclist who lamented on his lack of a weapon he could use to damage cars that "get in his way" on Sheffield streets.

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sorry I was referring to memory about the highway code. Its only says you should wear a helmet, not that you must wear one. Still pretty clear though.
Judging by the way you've "remebered" a number of things on here, I'd suggest a trip to a bookshop to get yourself a new copy over the weekend. Read it instead of driving and give everyone on the roads a weekend off, eh?
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