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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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Not many cyclists around in Sheffield this evening.:hihi::hihi:


Just been out in our Subaru to run some errands and I saw one hardy chap coming up Manchester Road just past lodge lane on his bike, seemed to making good progress.


I know a paramedic who cycled to work at 7pm tonight for a shift till 4am tomorrow. Then he will be cycling back up to Crookes from Middlewood.


I remember the February day I made the 12 mile commute to work in Bamford, on a skinny tyred racing bike. When I apologised for being 10 minutes late because of the snow my boss said I was only employee from Sheffield who had made it in.


The car commuters had all phoned in to say the roads were impassible.:hihi:

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To be honest Id leave the car at home tonight.


I've just tried to get round Stannington to drop my daughter off at a concert and the hill is blocked with stuck cars. An hour later my car is back safely on the drive that's where its staying.


Shank's pony down to the Blake later for me :)

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Just been out in our Subaru to run some errands and I saw one hardy chap coming up Manchester Road just past lodge lane on his bike, seemed to making good progress.


I know a paramedic who cycled to work at 7pm tonight for a shift till 4am tomorrow. Then he will be cycling back up to Crookes from Middlewood.


I remember the February day I made the 12 mile commute to work in Bamford, on a skinny tyred racing bike. When I apologised for being 10 minutes late because of the snow my boss said I was only employee from Sheffield who had made it in.


The car commuters had all phoned in to say the roads were impassible.:hihi:



Sure you did.:shakes:

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Sure you did.:shakes:


February 7th 1991. I was an engineer working at Carbolite Furnaces in Hope Valley, in the old pumping house that's now posh flats. Set off at 7.30am, got to work at 9am. No one else from Sheffield got in that day, just the local staff. I remember it well as it was my birthday


Why are you calling me a liar? Why would I even make up that story you idiot:loopy:


I was sent home at 2pm as the snow just wouldn't stop falling. Cycled as far as the Ladybower Inn, where there wasn't a soul about. Walked as far as cut throat bridge as I couldn't get traction on the bike with tubs on it (tubeless tyres)


The first vehicle I saw for an hour was a Peak Park Subaru 4x4 pick up, he gave me a lift in the pick up bed to Moscar Top, I then cycled back home to Commonside


You have a very strange attitude Mercurian.

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February 7th 1991. I was an engineer working at Carbolite Furnaces in Hope Valley, in the old pumping house that's now posh flats. Set off at 7.30am, got to work at 9am. No one else from Sheffield got in that day, just the local staff. I remember it well as it was my birthday


Why are you calling me a liar? Why would I even make up that story you idiot:loopy:


I was sent home at 2pm as the snow just wouldn't stop falling. Cycled as far as the Ladybower Inn, where there wasn't a soul about. Walked as far as cut throat bridge as I couldn't get traction on the bike with tubs on it (tubeless tyres)


The first vehicle I saw for an hour was a Peak Park Subaru 4x4 pick up, he gave me a lift in the pick up bed to Moscar Top, I then cycled back home to Commonside


You have a very strange attitude Mercurian.



Sure I have!:shakes:

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before i go on the road my car as to be taxed,mot,and insured,cycles dont,i see people at night when its dark with no lights on there bike and dressed in dark clothing that is an accident waiting to happen and who would get the blame the motorist of course


Do you think bikes should require an MOT?

What would be the point of giving out free tax disks?

Some cyclists are stupid, nobody has denied that. Some car drivers are also stupid, I hope you're not denying that.

When cycling in the dark I have 3 forward and 2 rear lights on. That isn't enough for some motorists though, they still manage to not see me and put my life in danger with their poor driving...

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Do you think bikes should require an MOT?

What would be the point of giving out free tax disks?

Some cyclists are stupid, nobody has denied that. Some car drivers are also stupid, I hope you're not denying that.

When cycling in the dark I have 3 forward and 2 rear lights on. That isn't enough for some motorists though, they still manage to not see me and put my life in danger with their poor driving...

Racing cyclists get an MOT every time they sign in for an event. They're aware of the consequences of a maverick in their midst, and welcome a bike inspection. I can't speak for the tugs however.
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February 7th 1991. I was an engineer working at Carbolite Furnaces in Hope Valley, in the old pumping house that's now posh flats. Set off at 7.30am, got to work at 9am. No one else from Sheffield got in that day, just the local staff. I remember it well as it was my birthday


Why are you calling me a liar? Why would I even make up that story you idiot:loopy:


I was sent home at 2pm as the snow just wouldn't stop falling. Cycled as far as the Ladybower Inn, where there wasn't a soul about. Walked as far as cut throat bridge as I couldn't get traction on the bike with tubs on it (tubeless tyres)


The first vehicle I saw for an hour was a Peak Park Subaru 4x4 pick up, he gave me a lift in the pick up bed to Moscar Top, I then cycled back home to Commonside


You have a very strange attitude Mercurian.


That is a great adventure you had.

Lucky the the car picked you up.

Dont do it again, by the way.

Your risk assessment should have told you not to attempt it.

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