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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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Or even going at an appropriate speed, since it's impossible to travel if you have to assume that every other vehicle is about to do something extremely stupid (for example you'd have to stop if there was oncoming traffic as it might veer into you).

I did say many reasons though, I just didn't detail them all.

I only said "inappropriate" because the cyclist is far more likely to have seen the car travelling at an appropriate speed, and so wouldn't be 1/2 way through the junction at that time.


But, yes, obviously, the reckless red light jumper is far more likely to be involved in an accident than the cyclist waiting at the lights.

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I've had a cycle run a red light from a blind intersection at night in dark clothing and nearly collected him on the bonnet. Had I been slower to react he'd have been on the deck.

Some cyclists are really really stupid, but then so are some motorists. I try to stay out of that category whichever vehicle I'm using.

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I've had a cycle run a red light from a blind intersection at night in dark clothing and nearly collected him on the bonnet. Had I been slower to react he'd have been on the deck.

Some cyclists are really really stupid, but then so are some motorists. I try to stay out of that category whichever vehicle I'm using.

Aye, me too :thumbsup:
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You were partially basing this on your ignorance of the law regarding helmets though.

I still stand by the estimate that 90% of drivers break the law.


You'll no doubt claim that speeding is less important than running red lights though, that was how you countered this point previously.


Some cyclists run red lights, I dislike that and I've shouted at them before (when on my bike) and blown my horn (when in my car). They shouldn't do it for several reasons, one of which is that it gives an ignorant minority ammunition for anti cyclist rants.


again you point out a cyclists breaking the law and you get attacked by the usual suspects.


who says I'm anti-cyclists .. if you had bothered to read this thread you would know I'm a cyclists but I despair at all the idiot cyclists who break the law.

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So, based on the actions of 1 cyclist you slag off 50% of all cyclists?


as you're obviously jumping in two footed and failing to read the entire thread, I will recap. in my experience of driving through Sheffield, approx 50% of cyclists I encounter are breaking the law in one way or the other. The majority of these infractions are cyclists riding through red lights.

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as you're obviously jumping in two footed and failing to read the entire thread, I will recap. in my experience of driving through Sheffield, approx 50% of cyclists I encounter are breaking the law in one way or the other. The majority of these infractions are cyclists riding through red lights.


Total number of regular cyclist commuters in the UK?


1 million.


Total number of uninsured cars on the roads?


1.2 million.

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Total number of regular cyclist commuters in the UK?


1 million.


Total number of uninsured cars on the roads?


1.2 million.


one groups actions negates the actions of an entirely separate group does it? :huh:


your logic would rival a 5 year olds :hihi:


How many of these 1 million cyclist have insurance?

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one groups actions negates the actions of an entirely separate group does it? :huh:




Nope,that's a straw man, nobody said bad actions by one group excuses another's, I'm just pointing out that even if you assume every single commuting cyclist breaks the law they are still outnumber by illegal drivers.


Your figures are bogus.

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Nope,that's a straw man, nobody said bad actions by one group excuses another's, I'm just pointing out that even if you assume every single commuting cyclist breaks the law they are still outnumber by illegal drivers.


Your figures are bogus.


but you use them in response to cyclists breaking the law.


what figures are you talking about?

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