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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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well said, and a very sensible approach to cycling. There are a lot of us who literally hate cyclists, but this is mainly due to the bigots who ride in clumps and will not pull over to let trapped traffic past. The last time I pointed out that it may be courteous to pull over, I was met with a "Why should we" attitude, and then a huge row. Each to his own if its done safely without making motorists lives harder.:|


This is normally the attitude of roadbikers. However you're dole comment is unfounded as many high end bikes cost more than some cars and motorbikes.

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well said, and a very sensible approach to cycling. There are a lot of us who literally hate cyclists, but this is mainly due to ...

your small angry minds and frustration at people who won't do as you think they should.


Hating an entire class of road user because sometimes some of them get in your way, you sound like a child!

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I cycle to work only so i never cycle in a group but if there's 20 cyclists to overtake its probably better if they're all bunched up rather than spread out. A long line of cyclists on a narrow road is going to be a right pain to overtake.


Oh and theres no such thing as road tax. It simply doesn't exist. Roads are paid out of general taxation which given that cyclists are statistically from higher socio-economic groups it is they who pay proportionally more for road building and upkeep.


Despite its hills, sheffield is a pretty decent city in which to commute by bike and if you're stuck for time is pretty good way of keeping fit.

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I wish you were up on Ringinglow Road/Sheephill Road/Long Line where there seems to be frequent cycling races/events where they feel obliged to ride not only two abreast but in several big clumps. Particularly tricky when they're going uphill and they're *really* slow.


It is difficult to squeeze past without giving adequate clearance, granted.


However their being in "clumps" doesn't make it any more difficult to overtake properly, waiting until safe to do so


To put my comment into perspective, I drive that way far, far more often than I cycle that way

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I cycle to work only so i never cycle in a group but if there's 20 cyclists to overtake its probably better if they're all bunched up rather than spread out. A long line of cyclists on a narrow road is going to be a right pain to overtake.


Oh and theres no such thing as road tax. It simply doesn't exist. Roads are paid out of general taxation which given that cyclists are statistically from higher socio-economic groups it is they who pay proportionally more for road building and upkeep.


Despite its hills, sheffield is a pretty decent city in which to commute by bike and if you're stuck for time is pretty good way of keeping fit.


well if there is no road tax and roads are paid for out of general taxation why do cars and motorcycles have to pay road tax was only renamed to ved still tax

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VED isn't road tax its an emissions duty. Cyclists don't emit so therefore don't pay it. Many low emission vehicles aren't subject to it either.


Most cyclists do own cars so therefore do pay VED.


load of rubbish its just an alteration in taxation and if i have a car and a motorcycle i pay twice all cyclists should have to pay some sort of toll to use roads have some sort of insurance and wear helmets not go through red lights and obey the rules of the road

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